
This simple script helps you to know all the hidden and sub-requirement of python packages used on your code

Primary LanguagePython


This simple script helps you to know all the hidden and sub requirement of python packages used on your code. This gives you the info of requirements to add to your buildozer.spec file and also what packages you have that are not included on the python-for-android receipe

Code Example of How To get all dependences

from get_buildozer_py_deps import get_dependencies, check_non_existing_recipe

print(get_dependencies(["kivy", "pyrebase4"]) # you can add as many package as possible
print(check_non_existing_recipe(["kivy", "pyrebase4"]) # you can add as many package as possible, but your internet access must be on

you can also run the file directly with this command

python3.8 __init__.py pyrebase4 kivy kivymd

Output of get_dependencies looks like this

  'kivy': ['pygments', 'kivy-garden', 'docutils'], 
  'pyrebase4': ['requests-toolbelt', 'gcloud', 'oauth2client', 'python-jwt', 'pycryptodome', 'requests'], 
  'kivy-garden': ['requests'], 
  'requests-toolbelt': ['requests'], 
  'gcloud': ['googleapis-common-protos', 'protobuf', 'oauth2client', 'six', 'httplib2'],     
  'oauth2client': ['pyasn1-modules', 'rsa', 'six', 'httplib2', 'pyasn1'], 
  'python-jwt': ['jwcrypto'], 
  'requests': ['chardet', 'urllib3', 'idna', 'certifi'], 
  'googleapis-common-protos': ['protobuf'], 'pyasn1-modules': ['pyasn1'], 
  'rsa': ['pyasn1'], 
  'jwcrypto': ['six', 'deprecated', 'cryptography'], 
  'cryptography': ['cffi']

it returns a dictionary of packages as keys and requirements as values

Output of check_non_existing_recipe looks like this


it returns a list of packages that is not yet present on python-for-android