
(sample report card)

Ken Hoff


Ken Hoff attended 70% (14/20) of available sessions.

  • Session 0 - Intro to Web Dev - 2015.02.08 - attended
  • Session 1 - Firebase - 2015.02.10 - attended
  • Session 2 - Intro to HTML - 2015.02.15 - attended
  • Session 3 - More HTML, Intro to CSS - 2015.02.17 - attended
  • Session 4 - More CSS - 2015.02.22 - attended
  • Session 5 - CSS Box Model & Backgrounds - 2015.02.24 - attended
  • Session 6 - Bootstrap Components - 2015.02.29 - attended
  • Session 7 - Bootstrap Themes - 2015.03.02 - attended
  • Session 8 - Client Project, Part 1 - 2015.03.07 - attended
  • Session 9 - Client Project, Part 2 - 2015.03.09 - attended
  • Session 10 - Client Project, Part 3 - 2015.03.14 - attended
  • Session 11 - Javascript - 2015.03.16 - attended
  • Session 12 - More Javascript - 2016.03.28 - attended
  • Session 13 - jQuery - 2016.03.30 - attended
  • Session 14 - Lorem Ipsum App, Part 1 - 2016.04.04 - did not attend
  • Session 15 - Lorem Ipsum App, Part 2 - 2016.04.06 - did not attend
  • Session 16 - Advanced Topics - Back End Web Dev with Node.js - 2016.04.11 - did not attend
  • Session 17 - Student Portfolio Page, Part 1 - 2016.04.13 - did not attend
  • Session 18 - Student Portfolio Page, Part 2 - 2016.04.18 - did not attend
  • Session 19 - Student Portfolio Page, Part 3 - 2016.04.20 - did not attend


Ken Hoff received a score of 50.00% (1000.00/2000 points total) across all assignments.

  • Assignment 0: Submit "Assignment 0" to the grader on Slack - 100%
  • Assignment 1: Create a "Hello World" page on Firebase, and submit it to the grader on Slack. - 100%
  • Assignment 2: Create a page with some specific tags and attributes. - 100%
  • Assignment 3: Create a page with an external style sheet, some specific ids and classes, and some nested boxes. - 100%
  • Assignment 4: background images, centering, flexbox - 100%
  • Assignment 5: Integrate Bootstrap with a page - 100%
  • Assignment 6: Bootstrap Components - 100%
  • Assignment 7: Bootswatch - 100%
  • Assignment 8: Submit your client's current site - 100%
  • Assignment 9: Client Project Work-in-progress - 0%
  • Assignment 10: Final version of Client Project - 0%
  • Assignment 11: Create a page with some <script> tags - 0%
  • Assignment 12: numbers, strings, arrays, objects, loops and functions - 0%
  • Assignment 13: using jQuery functions and methods - 0%
  • Assignment 14: the content you'll be Lorem-Ipsum-ing - 0%
  • Assignment 15: Lorem Ipsum App - 0%
  • Assignment 16: Express app - 0%
  • Assignment 17: Portfolio, Part 1 - 0%
  • Assignment 18: Portfolio, Part 2 - 0%
  • Assignment 19: Portfolio, Part 3 - 0%

Project links

Client Project

Lorem Ipsum App



Internship recommendation

Yes - recommended for internship at this time


No - not recommended for internship at this time