
Throughout spring 2022, our team explored liberatory technologies and forms of digital marronage and cultivated a technological toolbox for organizers and activist. This research will culminated in a prototype liberatory technology proposed by RAs and a Zine to present their research findings.

Liberatory Technology + Digital Marronage

Project Description

Throughout Spring 2022, our research team explored liberatory technologies and forms of digital marronage as a part of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab

Liberatory: supports the increased freedom and wellbeing of marginalized people, especially Black people, outside of capitalism and settler-colonial power structures.

Technology: A tool used to accomplish a task.

Marronage: in honor of Marroon societies throughout the South and Caribbean, the act of removing oneself from enslavement, liberating one’s community and drawing resources to free more people outside of the colonial center.

Each week, we selected a different type of technology, completed readings about it, and collected liberatory forms of that tool in a GitHub repository. Based on our analysis throughout the semester, this Github functions as a liberatory technology toolbox for organizers and activists.

Recognizing that existing digital interventions aren’t always successful, we explored how to design technology centered on liberation and digital marronage while honoring community knowledge. We asked: how do individuals protect themselves from the state while also being able to dance in the sun? Our research culminated in this GitHub repository, a liberatory technology proposed by RAs, and a zine to present our research findings.

How to use this repository

In the /technologies folder above, you'll find the "liberatory" technologies that our team found and discussed throughout the semester. Some weeks it was hard to find, and some weeks we discussed problematic or harmful technologies instead. This repository is meant to serve as an artifact to our research, and an accessible list of technologies for activists and organizers to use in their work. These technologies aren't endorsed by the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab.

Point of Contact:

Payton Croskey: pcroskey@alumni.princeton.edu
Kenia Hale: kenia.hale1@gmail.com

Semester Schedule + Readings

Week 0: Preliminary Meeting

Week 1: Facial Recognition

Week 2: Voice Assistants

Week 3: Biometric Technologies

Week 4: Social Media

Week 5: Digital Collective Healing Spaces

Week 6, 7, 8

  • Analysis + Zine + Prototype Building
