
  • Ruby
  • Python / pip
  • virtualenv


  • Install homebrew
  • Install Ansible

Install Python3

brew install python3

Install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Ansible

brew install ansible

How to use ?

brew install <file>.rb

how to use aws ssm session

aws ssm start-session --target i-614416ed

Backup your brew setup

brew bundle dump
# creates or overwrites a Brewfile
  • cd here and run brew bundle

Cleanup unused deps

brew cleanup

Check linkage and sanity

brew doctor

Installing version of helm and kubectl

You can install a specific version of a brew package by adding @

brew install kubernetes-cli@1.11.1

Or you can use above formula

brew install

Make sure to do

brew unlink kubernetes-cli 

If you have previous installed versions of Kubernetes

then link the binary using

brew link kubernetes-cli-1-11                                                                                                 

This is good because of kubectl 2 minor version skew where some kubectl commands do not work properly because of api changes