
Basic rental app skeleton for calculating rental monetary values

Primary LanguageRuby


Getting Started

  • Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:kenigbolo/rentalapp.git for SSH git clone https://github.com/kenigbolo/rentalapp.git for HTTPS

Framework/Tools Versions

  • Ruby version 2.5.1 and above
  • Rails 5.2.0


  • Development Environment Uses Postgres
  • Test environment Uses Postgres

Database Setup

Note The steps below are critical to get the database running

  • For migrations to work, database user should be granted super user privileges
  • Set database password in a .env file with the name RENTALAPP_DATABASE_PASSWORD e.g. RENTALAPP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=password1

Once you have those two, you can then run your command line and navigate into the project's folder and then perform the following:

  • Run bundle install to install all dependencies
  • Run rails db:migrate or rake db:migrate
  • Run rails db:seed or rake db:seed to seed the db with data available.

(the rake command was used for rails version prior rails 5. But it is no logner required)

Running The Server

You can run rails s or rails server and visit the page on the browser by typing localhost:3000. (you can add the flag -p <port_number> to specify a different port number, e.i. rails s -p 8000)

Running The Specs

After all the setting up as mentioned above, you can run the tests. The tests are driven by rspec. You can get them fired up by running the following command from the terminal.

rspec spec


bundle exec rspec