
Spotify AAC Downloader

Primary LanguagePython

Spotify ✨ AAC ✨ Downloader

A Python script to download songs/albums/playlists directly from Spotify in 256kbps/128kbps AAC.


  1. Install Python 3.7 or newer
  2. Install spotify-aac-downloader with pip
    pip install spotify-aac-downloader
  3. Add FFMPEG to your PATH. You can get it from here: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
    • If you are on Windows you can move the ffmpeg.exe file to the same folder that you will run the script instead of adding it to your PATH.
  4. Export your Spotify cookies as cookies.txt to the same folder that you will run the script
  5. Put your Widevine Device file (.wvd) in the same folder that you will run the script
    • You can use Dumper to dump your phone's L3 CDM: https://github.com/Diazole/dumper. Once you have the L3 CDM, you can use pywidevine to create the .wvd file from it.
      1. Install pywidevine with pip
        pip install pywidevine pyyaml
      2. Create the .wvd file
        pywidevine create-device -t ANDROID -l 3 -k private_key.pem -c client_id.bin -o .


usage: spotify-aac-downloader [-h] [-u] [-f FINAL_PATH] [-t TEMP_PATH]
                   [-c COOKIES_LOCATION] [-w WVD_LOCATION] [-n] [-l] [-p] [-o]
                   [-e] [-v]
                   [url ...]

Download songs/albums/playlists directly from Spotify in AAC

positional arguments:
  url                   Spotify song/album/playlist URL(s) (default: None)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u, --urls-txt        Read URLs from a text file (default: False)
  -f FINAL_PATH, --final-path FINAL_PATH
                        Final Path (default: ./Spotify)
  -t TEMP_PATH, --temp-path TEMP_PATH
                        Temp Path (default: ./temp)
                        Cookies location (default: ./cookies.txt)
  -w WVD_LOCATION, --wvd-location WVD_LOCATION
                        .wvd file location (ignored if using -l/--lrc-only)
                        (default: ./*.wvd)
  -n, --no-lrc          Don't create .lrc files (default: False)
  -l, --lrc-only        Skip downloading songs and only create .lrc files
                        (default: False)
  -p, --premium-quality
                        Download 256kbps AAC instead of 128kbps AAC (default:
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing files (default: False)
  -e, --print-exceptions
                        Print execeptions (default: False)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit