
C++ Project Generator

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


C++ Project Generator

Feature Highlights:

  • Lightweight - only C++11 is required ! ( No lua, python, java or any packages dependencies )

  • Run on multiple platforms ( Windows / MacOSX / Linux / FreeBSD )

  • Auto inherit configuration from depended projects, for instance executable project depends on library
    will inherit all settings by default ( e.g. include_dir, cpp_defines, output_library ...etc )

  • Add source file by wildcard, glob with sub-directories ( example: src/**/*.cpp, means all c++ files within src folder including all sub-directories recursively)

  • Using relative path in generated projects, therefore project can be move between folders or share for other users

  • Support file path with space and Unicode

  • Support Project Group, Virtual Folder in Visual Studio solution or Xcode workspace

  • Precompiled header - and auto force-include to all c++ files
    (*In vs2015 precompiledHeader.cpp will be auto generated)

  • Unite Build - build multiple small C/C++ file at once to improve the compile time

  • Generate proejct / makefile with multi-thread settings

  • Support CUDA Visual Studio project

Command Line:

ax_gen.exe ws=<Workspace File> [gen=<Geneartor>] [os=<target OS>] [cpu=<target CPU>] [config=<Name>] [-gen] [-build] [-ide] [-run] [-verbose] 
  • arguments can be in random order


ax_gen.exe ws=examples/001/Hello.axworkspace -gen
-gen generate target projects
-build build projects
-ide open IDE
-run run startup project
-verbose more detail in console / log
OS options:
os=windows Windows
os=macosx MacOSX
os=ios iOS Device
os=linux Linux
os=freebsd FreeBSD
CPU Options:
cpu=x86 Intel / AMD 32-bit CPU
cpu=x86_64 Intel / AMD 64-bit CPU
gen=vs2015 Visual Studio 2015
(default on Windows)
gen=vs2017 Visual Studio 2017
(default on Windows)
gen=vs2017_linux (experimental!) Visual Studio 2017 Linux Remote Compile
gen=xcode Xcode
(default on MacOSX)
gen=makefile GNU makefile format
*support file path with space
(Which handwritten Makefile might have problem
during 2nd degree variable evaluation)
Compiler options:
compiler=vc MS Visual C++
(default in gen=vs2015)
compiler=gcc GNU C/C++
(default in gen=makefile)
compiler=clang clang from LLVM
(default in gen=xcode)
Config options:
config=<Name> configuration for action [-build] or [-run]

Example output: ( Visual Studio / Xcode / Makefile )

Visual Studio Solution

Example Input: Hello.axproj:

	"group": "MyGroup/MyProgram",
	"type": "cpp_exe",
	"dependencies": ["MyLib"],
	"pch_header": "src/precompiledHeader.h",

	//"unite_build": true,
	//"unite_filesize": 1,
	"files" : [
	"exclude_files": [

	"config": {
		"cpp_defines": [],
		"cpp_flags": [],
		"include_dirs": ["src"],
		"include_dirs.local": ["header_only_for_this_but_not_inherit_projects"],
		"link_dirs": [],
		"link_files": [],
		"link_flags": [],
		"compiler==gcc": {
		"compiler==clang": {

How to build


vs2015 solution in ./projects/vs015/ax_gen.sln to build


Xcode project in ./project/xcode/ax_gen.xcodeproj

FreeBSD / Linux

run make under ./project/makefile folder

In case don't have 'Make' but gcc / clang only

g++ -std=c++11 src/_single_file_build_.cpp -o ax_gen


  • Android project support
  • Cross-compile
  • Pre / Post build step for VS, Xcode, Makefile

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