A static blog build on top of Notion and Nextjs, deployed on Vercel.

This repo is customized based on craigary/nobelium.

Highlights ✨

🚀  Fast and responsive

  • Fast page render and responsive design
  • Fast static generation with efficient compiler

🤖  Deploy instantly

  • Deploy on Vercel in minutes
  • Incremental regeneration and no need to redeploy after update the content in notion

🚙  Fully functional

  • Comments, full width page, quick search and tag filter
  • RSS, analytics, web vital... and much more

🎨  Easy for customization

  • Rich config options, support English & Chinese interface
  • Built with Tailwind CSS, easy for customization

🕸  Pretty URLs and SEO friendly

  • The sitemap will be updated every your build

💚  Type Safety

  • The source code is written in TypeScript

Quick Start

  • Star this repo 😉
  • Duplicate this Notion template, and share it to the public
  • Fork this project
  • Customize blog.config.js
  • (Optional) Replace favicon.svg, and favicon.ico in /public folder with your own
  • Deploy on Vercel, set following environment variables:
    • NOTION_PAGE_ID (Required): The ID of the Notion page you previously shared to the web, usually has 32 digits after your workspace address
  • That's it! Easy-peasy?
Wait for a sec, what is Page ID?

Getting started in developing

  • Once you have set the environment variables in the Vercel dashboard, run the following
    • vercel env pull (with Vercel CLI)
    • or cp .env.sample .env.local and insert YOUR_NOTION_PAGE_ID

Play With Docker

Unofficial, thanks to @Vaayne's work!

# set env
export IMAGE=nobelium:latest

# build with docker
docker build -t ${IMAGE} --build-arg NOTION_PAGE_ID .

# run with docker
docker run -d --name nobelium -p 3000:3000 -e NOTION_PAGE_ID=${NOTION_PAGE_ID} nobelium:latest


Check out our roadmap here

  • Better SEO
  • Dark mode
  • Open Graph support
  • Switch to react-notion-x
  • Sitemap
  • ...

Technical details

  • Generation: Next.js and Incremental Static Regeneration
  • Page render: react-notion-x
  • Style: Tailwind CSS and @tailwindcss/jit compiler
  • Comments: Gitalk, Cusdis and more

Special Thanks

Craig Hart
Craig Hart
Notion CN Community
Notion CN Community
Lee Robinson
Spencer Woo



The MIT License.