- 0
- 1
Add support for php 8.2
#413 opened by tenzap - 1
How to test external API with json response?
#410 opened by dhee19na - 5
- 2
- 6
System and configuration files location issue
#373 opened by qaribhaider - 0
Upgrading to CodeIgniter4 is strongly recommended
#409 opened by kenjis - 1
cant set session $this->session->userdata
#408 opened by yaldi4 - 3
- 2
- 1
How to mock DB in CI?
#405 opened by inandi - 3
- 1
Mocking DB object can't use getDouble?
#403 opened by hrsetyono - 8
Session problem
#402 opened by yamatadev - 3
3.x new version with Updates for PHP 8.1
#396 opened by pabloolvcastro - 2
PHPUnit 9.5.24 + CodeIgniter 3.1.13 + PHP 8.1
#399 opened by myalcin81 - 3
Argument 1 passed to PHPUnit\Runner\TestSuiteSorter::reorderTestsInSuite() must implement interface PHPUnit\Framework\Test, instance of PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite given
#398 opened by ParthasarathySWD - 5
- 4
How to extend the test runner for post operations?
#395 opened by vivek-23 - 25
- 2
Cannot create mock whose methods throw exceptions
#393 opened by jd-young - 2
- 2
Coverage report is acting weird
#388 opened by purdy - 9
- 2
3.0.2 release date?
#386 opened by ndharithreesan - 1
Support PHP7.4 ?
#383 opened by KMTsvetanov - 1
Configure vendor directory location
#375 opened by ndharithreesan - 2
TestCase not found
#374 opened by pgee70 - 3
flock(): Illegal operation argument
#377 opened by codeasashu - 3
Must implement interface PHPUnit_Framework_Test
#376 opened by codeasashu - 2
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase' not found
#370 opened by PooranSinghTricon - 13
Test break when testing a function
#359 opened by ayokay123 - 16
- 9
Mock External Library
#351 opened by azieskurniawan - 2
Upgrading to CodeIgniter 4
#361 opened by kenjis - 1
Can't install PHPUnit 9.3 or later
#363 opened by kenjis - 6
'Replacement data still remain' logic error cause
#340 opened by pgee70 - 0
MethodPatcher is still broken
#365 opened by kenjis - 2
Trying to request Raw input
#352 opened by shuvojittechpro - 1
Mock Method in the same Class
#349 opened by irwaank - 3
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare spl_autoload_register()
#353 opened by CaptainATG - 10
Class Not Found How do I solve this?
#345 opened by sunggun1 - 3
Getting mysql error
#342 opened by inandi - 4
Cannot redeclare class User_model in phpunit
#337 opened by DisAppear7 - 1
Prevent model loading throwing 'The model name you are loading is the name of a resource that is already being used' exception
#341 opened by pgee70 - 26
Create a session to authenticate
#358 opened by ayokay123 - 0
ignore a database migration
#356 opened by ayokay123 - 15
how to load a model inside modules/../model
#355 opened by ayokay123 - 2
Enabling Monkey Patching always return error
#346 opened by irwaank - 1
RuntimeException: Cannot modify header information
#343 opened by jperezb