

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Tauri + Vue + Vite template

Simple and opinionated project template for Tauri and Vue 3.

  • Vue 3
  • Vite
  • TypeScript
  • Eslint, Prettier
  • Tailwind CSS w/ PostCSS
  • Vitest for unit tests
  • Github Actions

Setting Up

  1. Install Tauri Prerequisites
  2. Clone and install dependencies (the project is configured for pnpm):
pnpm i



Running Tauri + Vite Development Server

pnpm dev


pnpm test

Upgrading Rust Dependencies

You can upgrade your Rust dependencies with the included cargo-edit tool. In src-tauri/ say

cargo upgrade

Building and releasing


The project has GitHub Actions set up which will automatically test and build your app with every push and PR. For building manually:

pnpm build

Releasing a new version

  1. Bump version number (In package.json, and src-tauri/)
  2. Run pnpm check to update Cargo.lock
  3. Tag the commit you want to release with vX.Y.Z
  4. Github workflow will automatically build a new draft release for this version. Edit the release notes and publish when ready 🎉



Contributions are welcome! Please follow the code of conduct when interacting with others.