
Code Supplement for the Paper: "Hindsight Network Credit Assignment: Efficient Credit Assignment in Networks of Discrete Stochastic Units"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HNCA Code Supplement

This directory contains code to reproduce the experiments in the paper titled "Hindsight Network Credit Assignment: Efficient Credit Assignment in Networks of Discrete Stochastic Neurons". Experiments are implemented in python3 using the JAX library. The contextual bandit experiments are located in the directory "contextual_bandit" while hierarchical VAE experiments are in "generative_modeling".

Preparing MNIST data

Before running any of the algorithms included in this supplement it is necessary to download and prepare the MNIST dataset. To do so create the directory "data/MNIST" in the root directory of this repo, and place the four dataset files available at http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ within this directory. Once this is done run


The dataset should now be prepared for use by the scripts in this repo.

Contextual Bandit Experiments

The contextual_bandit directory contains the code for HNCA and REINFORCE agents in the python files with matching names. An experiment can be run using a command like the following:

python3 HNCA.py -v -c HNCA.json -o HNCA.out -m HNCA.model -s 0

The -v flag specifies we wish to see verbose output which consists of a progress bar and final summary for each epoch. '-c HNCA.json' indicates that we wish to use the hyperparameters specified in the json file HNCA.json. The included HNCA.json file will reproduce the 3 hidden layer experiment presented in the paper. The -o flag specifies the directory to save the data, while -m specifies where to save final model parameters. The -s flag specifies the random seed.

Experiments using reinforce and each estimator with the addition of a running average baseline can be run analogously:

python3 HNCA.py -v -c HNCA_with_baseline.json -o HNCA_with_baseline.out -m HNCA_with_baseline.model -s 0
python3 REINFORCE.py -v -c REINFORCE.json -o REINFORCE.out -m REINFORCE.model -s 0
python3 REINFORCE.py -v -c REINFORCE_with_baseline.json -o REINFORCE.out -m REINFORCE.model -s 0

Hierarchical VAE Experiments

The generative_model directory contains the code for HNCA, REINFORCE, disARM, REINFORCE_LOO_FR and REINFORCE_LOO_IS in the python files with matching names. An experiment can be run using a command like the following:

python3 HNCA.py -v -c HNCA.json -o HNCA.out -m HNCA.model -s 0

The flags are largely the same as the contextual bandit experiments. The included config.json file will reproduce the experiment from the 3 layer experiment presented in the paper, note that num_hidden is set to 2 in this case because hidden layers are taken to mean non-output layers for encoder and decoder, thus 2 hidden layers means 3 layers total as in the following network where X represents the space of input pixels: X->q_1->q_2->q_3->p_3->p_2->p_1->X.

Analogous experiments with other gradients estimators can be run with

python3 HNCA.py -v -c HNCA_with_baseline.json -o HNCA_with_baseline.out -m HNCA_with_baseline.model -s 0
python3 disARM.py -v -c disARM.json -o disARM.out -m disARM.model -s 0
python3 REINFORCE.py -v -c REINFORCE.json -o REINFORCE.out -m REINFORCE.model -s 0
python3 REINFORCE.py -v -c REINFORCE_with_baseline.json -o REINFORCE_with_baseline.out -m REINFORCE_with_baseline.model -s 0
python3 REINFORCE_LOO.py -v -c REINFORCE_LOO.json -o REINFORCE_LOO.out -m REINFORCE_LOO.model -s 0

Ablation experiments for HNCA can be reproduced by modifying the "all_child" and "full_reward" values in the HNCA_with_baseline.json appropriately.

Nonlinear Contextual Bandit Experiments

The nonlinear_contextual_bandit directory contains the code for HNCA and REINFORCE agents in the python files with matching names. The architecture, in this case, is a deterministic convolutional network followed by a single Bernoulli hidden layer and softmax output. An experiment can be run using a command like the following:

python3 HNCA.py -v -c HNCA.json -o HNCA.out -m HNCA.model -s 0

The included config.json file will reproduce the nonlinear contextual bandit experiment presented in the paper.

An experiment using reinforce can be run analogously:

python3 REINFORCE.py -v -c REINFORCE.json -o REINFORCE.out -m REINFORCE.model -s 0