
Primary LanguagePython

Server for playing Kriegspiel Hex. Kriegspiel Hex is a hex variant where the opponents moves are invisible unless we try to play a move in the same cell. Players are alerted of invalid moves and may continue playing moves until they pick a valid one. Throughout the convention that black plays first and white second is used.

To run two programs against each other in one game use a command like:

python3 referee.py player1 player2 -b 8 -t 5

player1 and player2 must be two programs able to communicate with the server through a modified version of [go text protocol](http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gunnar/gtp/)

-b or --boardsize optionally specifies the width of the board on which the game should be player (default 11). 

-t of --time specifies the time available for each player to make each move. Note that only successful moves (i.e. which do not intersect with a played opponent stone) will be counted so care must be taken to avoid timeout in the case of moves to occupied cells. Currently any timeout will result in a win for the other player.

Human v.s. Program
The file human_vs.py implements a simple referee for playing against a program as a human, humans are not currently subject to time constrains when using this script and time constraints for programs are not enforced.

To play against a funcitoning agent as a human use a command like:

python3 human_vs.py --b 8 -t 5 example_agent/example_program.py

Example Agent
The file example_agent contains an implementation of an agent capable of playing a game using this server. This agent is simply a monte carlo tree search agent for playing ordinary hex which is not even aware it is actually playing KHex (failed moves result in reset of tree to add in the now known opponent cell location). This agent is meant to be a minimal demonstration of a functioning player only and does not represent a recommended strategy. example_agent/example_program.py is the program to run associated with this agent, for example:

python3 referee.py example_agent/example_program.py example_agent/example_program.py -b 3 -t 1

will run a short 3by3 game between two example_agents.

Tournament Client Server
The files tournament_client.py and tournament_server.py implement a client server system for hosting and joining computer KHex tournaments.

The tournament_server takes a command like the following:
python3 tournament_server.py 2 5 -p 4242 -b 3 -t 2

First argument is the number of agents to wait for before starting the tournament, second argument is the number of games to play with each agent as each color (so above would play 10 games total between two agents, each playing 5 games as each color).

-p or --port optionally specifies the port for connecting to the server, arbitrarily set to 1235 by default, should be set to some 4 digit number.

-b and -t work exactly as above to set boardsize and time per move

The server will initially print an address like "" which includes a hostname and port number needed by the client for connecting to the server.

The tournament_client takes a command like the following:
python3 tournament_client.py 4242 example_agent/example_program.py

The first two arguments are the host address and port number printed by the server, the last is a directory containing a single Khex agent executable to connect to the tournament. For the purposes of the tournament agents are identified by their name, so each agent should have a unique name (see GTP implementation below). If two agents have the same name one will have the letter I appended to the end until all names are unique.

The tournament_server will wait until the specified number of clients have connected to begin, at which point it will begin running the tournament, after each game a table of stats will be printed showing win/loss rate for each player as each color. The format of the table is such that black agents are listed on the left, white agents are listed along the top and each entry looks like "wins,loses" for the black agent in that specific matchup e.g.:

          barhex    foohex  
barhex    xxxxxxxx  5, 1     
foohex    2, 4      xxxxxxxx 
Here barhex has won 5 games as black against foohex and lost 1, while foohex has won 2 games as black against barhex and lost 4. 

In addition at the end of a tournament a table showing the overall winrate (including games as both black and white) for each agent will be printed. i.e. for the above set of games this would be something like:

          barhex    foohex  
barhex    xxxxxxxx  75%   
foohex    25%       xxxxxxxx 

Indicating foohex has won 75% of all its games against barhex and barhex has won 25% of its games against foohex.

Local Tournament
The file local_tournament.py runs a tournament with agents installed and running on the same machine (could be an issue if agents require a large amount of memory or try to ponder during opponent moves).

A local tournament can be run as follows:
python3 local_tournament.py example_agent_list.txt 3 -b 3 -t 2

The first argument is a file containing a newline seperated list of executable paths for player agent, second argument is again the number of games to play with each agent as each color. -b and -t arguments are as described above.

Everything else works the same as in the client server version described above.

The above command with the included example_agent_list.txt will run a tournament with 3 copies of example_program.py where each plays 3 games as each color against each other agent, the boardsize is 3 and the time per move is 2.

GTP Implementation for Players
Currently the minimum set of gtp commands an agent must implement to interact with the referee and tournament scripts is as follows:

boardsize <int>: set the width of the game board
set_time <int>: set the time available per move in seconds
genmove <white/black>: respond with a move for the passed player (e.g. g5)
occupied: indicates that the last move returned by genmove is already occupied, respond with another move
clear_board: reset the game to the starting state with the same boardsize
valid: indicates that the last move returned by genmove was valid and has been played
name: unique string identifying your agent

Successful responses should be formatted as follows:


Erroneous responses (e.g. boardsize called with 0 argument ect.) should be formatted as follows:


Each GTP request will wait for a response, if no information is required it may simply be "=\n".

See example_player/gtpinterface.py for an example of a gtp handling interface.