
Android app to buzz notifications as Morse Code

Primary LanguageKotlin

Morse Notification

What is this?

Morse Notification (Play Store) is an Android app that plays your notifications as vibrations encoded in Morse Code; which means that if someone sends you an SMS saying "SOS", your phone will buzz in the famous "・・・ーーー・・・" pattern.

But.. why?

I made this app when I was expecting an important email, and found myself stopping at every street corner during my commutes to look at the phone everytime it buzzed. I wanted to create a way to let myself know what messages I'm getting without looking at my phone.

But.. wireless earphones?

I don't like walking outside with earphones. I was nearly mown over by a truck doing that once.

Technical details

Alpha-numerics are encoded into ITU standard Morse Code. Dots are 100ms. (If you want to change this, feel free to send a PR).


Kuromojiで日本語を読みに変換したあと和文モールス符号にエンコードしています。 Wikipediaいわく、和文の場合は英文字を()で囲まないといけないらしいのですが、面倒なので現バージョンはそのまま混じってます。 正直作者はモールス信号がわからないので、違和感を覚えません。分かる人は怒るのかも。

Why are you making this repository public? なんでソース公開してんの?

Morse Notification requires you to enable permissions for "Notification Access"; this allows the app to see any notification that comes to your phone, including phone calls, SMS, and emails. You need to be trusting the app a lot to give that permission. The only way that I would trust an app would be if I could see the code.

このアプリを使うには「通知アクセス」許可を与える必要があります。これは、あなたのスマホに来るすべての通知を読む権限を 当アプリに与えるということです。(つまり、受信した電話やメールの中身まで。)僕だったらソースを読まないと信用できないので、 ソースを公開しました。

Who made this?

Ken is a software engineer who makes many sort-of useful software + hardware hack.