
Simple twisted based DNS server to resolve the names through the Tor network.

Primary LanguagePython


Resolve names through Tor so no one listening the network nor even the ISP sniffs it.

Resolution is done using the Tor proxy interface.


Onion-Dir depends upon twisted, may be installed through pip with the command:

pip install twisted

Usage from the command line

Syntax: onion-dir.py (-f|-d) [-p <pidfile>] [-h]

-f: Launch in foreground
-d: Launch in the background (default)
-p: Save the process ID in the specified file
-h: Show this help and exit

Install as a System V service

To install it execute the install_service.sh script as root, to uninstall execute uninstall_service.sh

Installed this way, it can be launched with service onion-dir start and stopped whith service onion-dir stop