Example 3 - react-redux-localstore

A react-redux example


Install dependencies

npm i

Runs the app in the development mode at http://localhost:3000

npm start

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode

npm test

Built With

  • create-react-app - Command for set up React apps by Facebook
  • react-bootstrap - Bootstrap components built with React (UI)
  • redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
  • react-redux - Official React bindings for Redux
  • redux-thunk - Thunk middleware for Redux
  • enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React by Airbnb
  • redux-mock-store - A mock store for testing Redux async action creators and middleware
  • jest-fetch-mock - Jest mock for the fetch polyfill
  • lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras