
Everything from the video and now more! Now Includes: Dashes, Wall Jumps, Slide and State Machine

Guide to the Scripts

Player Data

A scriptable object that contains all the parameters for your player eg: maxRunSpeed, jumpForce etc

Input Handler

Manages all the player's input, with the new Input System. The player scripts, by default, REQUIRE the new Input System package (which you can import via the packet manager). However if you wish to use the standard Input System just change all the references to the Input Handler (in the player movement script) to the standard input system eg: InputHandler.instance.MoveInput => Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")

On the other hand, if you use my Input Handler I would recommend this (old but great) video explaining how the new Input System works: https://youtu.be/Pzd8NhcRzVo

Advanced Player (recommended)

  1. My recommened platformer script
  2. Has all the features shown in the video, with some bonus stuff
  3. Great if you're looking to upgrade your platformer script

State Machine Player

  1. The most complex and expandable platformer system
  2. A Finite State Machine is a great architecture if you're planning to work on your game for a long time and increase the complexity
  3. Allows full incredible flexibility
  4. Can require more time to implement and upkeep

Basic Player (very broken lol)

  1. Ignore for now
  2. Will just be a very standard platformer controller as you may see in a tutorial such as https://youtu.be/QGDeafTx5ug. Videos like this are great for beginners, but hopefully my take on platformer movement can highlight some of the great improvements you can make to create a fluid, precise charater.
  3. Will later be used to show contrast between player types

About Me :D

My Discord: https://discord.gg/XkuKREkdVf Best place to ask me questions or chat :D

My Twiiter: https://twitter.com/DawnosaurDev Keep up with my game dev journey and new platformer mechanics!

Thanks so much for checking this out <3
