
Snowem is a lightweight live streaming server, based on webrtc technology. Its design mainly focuses on simplicity, scalability and high performance.

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Snowem is a lightweight live streaming server, based on webrtc technology. Snowem has three built-in subsystems.

  • RESTful Web Service is used for channel management.
  • Websocket Sevrer plays a role of signaling service in WebRTC stack.
  • Media Server is basically SFU in WebRTC stack, it handles ICE protocol and forward media streams among peers.

Compile and setup Snowem

Snowem depends on the following libraries to build:

  • libopenssl.
  • libevent v2.1.xxx with openssl support.
  • libnettle.
  • libsofia-sip-ua.
  • libsrtp.
  • libconfig.
  • libbsd


  • on Ubuntu system, one may install the following packages:
apt-get install libbsd-dev libbsd0 libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev libevent-dev \
libsofia-sip-ua-dev libsofia-sip-ua0 libsrtp0 libsrtp0-dev libnettle6 \
nettle-dev libconfig9 libconfig-dev libbsd0 libbsd-dev
  • for installing libevent 2.1.xx, one may do the following:
wget https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases/download/release-2.1.8-stable/libevent-2.1.8-stable.tar.gz
tar xfz libevent-2.1.8-stable.tar.gz 
cd libevent-2.1.8-stable
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make && make install
  • on Ubuntu system, supporting ffmpeg requires to install the following packages:
apt-get install libavutil-dev libavresample-dev libavfilter-dev\
libavdevice-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev

To build Snowem, execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/snowem/snowem.git
cd snowem
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

Run Snowem

The configuration file is written in format of libconfig. The sample file is available at snowem.conf.

# General settings
cert_file = "<path-to-cert-file>"
key_file = "<path-to-key-file>"

# Websocket settings
wss_bind_ip = ""
wss_bind_port = 8443

# Log level: TRACE=0, DEBUG=1, INFO=2, WARN=3, ERROR=4, FATAL=5
log_level = 1
log_file_maxsize = 10000000
log_rotate_num = 10
base_log_path = "<path-to-dir>"

To run Snowem, simple execute:

snowem <path-to>/snowem.conf

Check live demo at here.


Source code of example is available at here.

To publish atream: if no camera available, then video file can be used as media source, check here.

var config = {
    'type': 'camera',
    'localNode': document.getElementById('localVideo'),
    'remoteNode':  document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
    'media': {
      'audio': true,
      'video': true,
  var publishStream = new snowem.Stream(host, 8443)

To play a remote stream: to play a remote stream, you need stream id of the remote stream.

var config = {
  'streamid': streamId,
  'remoteNode':  document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  'audio': true,
  'video': true
var playStream = new snowem.Stream(host, 8443)