
MEAN Stack

MIT LicenseMIT

Coding Dojo MEAN / NICE

Welcome son

Our course agenda. Keep up to date with it, if you wanna stay healthy.


  1. Fork this repo to your github account
  2. Clone it locally onto your laptop using source tree
  3. Add this (https://github.com/dallaspythondojo/nice) repo as a REMOTE to your locally cloned copy.
  4. Profit!

Daily Commits

  1. PULL from THIS repo (class remote) into your local MASTER
  2. PUSH your local MASTER to your remote MASTER
  3. FORK from your local MASTER into a NEW Branch
  4. Name your new Branch something unique (for example the date)
  5. COPY your changed files into YOUR OWN folder in your local repo's branch
  6. Commit the changes.
  7. PUSH your new branch up to your GitHub account
  8. From GitHub, create a pull request off the new branch

NOTE: If you don't get in at least one pull request daily, then ya ain't serious.
