
Example application for blog post on deploying to AKS & ACR with Habitat.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example application for blog post on deploying to AKS & ACR with Habitat

See http://habitat.sh/blog/2018/05/aks-and-acr-walkthrough for the full details of the walkthrough.



You need the following tools installed on the workstation you're running these scripts from:

  • az
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • svcat

Setting up the cluster

  1. Run scripts/setup-aks-acr.sh. This will create a resource group (by default habitat-aks-demo) containing both a AKS instance as well as a ACR registry. It will grant Owner rights on the ACR register to the AKS Service Principal so it can pull images from ACR.

At the end of the run it will output some configuration details to be used for the Habitat Builder integration:

Configuration Details for Habitat Builder:
  Server URL : habitatregistry.azurecr.io
  Service Principal ID : 9104325b-d11a-40a9-8178-7ec858aed4bd
  Service Principal Password : **************
  1. Run scripts/setup-service-catalog.sh to setup the Service Catalog. This will take some time to run and get all the pods started correctly. Wait unit svcat get plans returns successfully before progressing to next step.

You can check if the catalog is ready by looking at the status of the pods in the catalog namespace:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace catalog
NAME                                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
catalog-catalog-apiserver-77dbbd4cc5-m55ds            1/2       Running   0          3m
catalog-catalog-controller-manager-6c7b679dc9-9rdhn   0/1       Running   4          3m
  1. Run scripts/setup-osba.sh to install the Open Service Broker for Azure

You can check if the broker is running by looking at the status of the pods in the osba namespace:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace osba
NAME                                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
osba-open-service-broker-azure-6b7d9f9c45-bjmfh   1/1       Running   3          7m
osba-redis-c555f5c6-zssxd                         1/1       Running   0          7m
  1. Add OSBA managed database instance and binding
$ kubectl apply -f osba/mysql-instance.yml
serviceinstance.servicecatalog.k8s.io "osba-mysql" created
$ kubectl apply -f osba/mysql-binding.yml
servicebinding.servicecatalog.k8s.io "wordpress-mysql-binding" created
$ svcat get instances
     NAME      NAMESPACE        CLASS             PLAN            STATUS
  osba-mysql   default     azure-mysql-5-7   general-purpose   Provisioning
$ svcat get bindings
           NAME             NAMESPACE    INSTANCE           STATUS
  wordpress-mysql-binding   default     osba-mysql   ErrorInstanceNotReady

Wait until the instance and binding are provisioned.

  1. Run scripts/setup-habitat.sh to install via the habitat operator via Helm

  2. Configure habitat builder and republish packages

  3. Run Wordpress on OSBA example

$ kubectl apply -f deploy-osba-wordpress.yml


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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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