IDASH2021 Documentation Upon Submission:


We are KENMARO and RYOHEI, from EAGLYS Inc, at Tokyo, Japan.
First of all, thank you for hosting this great competition.
We appreciate all of your supports during competition and we have greatly enjoyed this competetion tasks.

Upon submission, we will upload two implementations, Model1 and Model2.

We will report following first,

Measured time

  • raw preprocessing time
  • cipher inference time

Accuracy for validation dataset

  • accuracy using validation dataset compared with given labels

then, will explain the followings.


  • raw preprocessing algorithm
  • cipher infenrece algorithm

Differences of submitted two models

Security Settings

Lastly, we will explain

How To Use Our Model

to desribe the commands need to run to run our model using docker image.

Measured time (using 2000 validation datasets)

model\process Preprocess [ms] Inference [ms]
Model1 17222 1569
Model2 44953 1942

NOTE: this is measured in our environment and can be varied in real environment.
Model1 is faster in preprocessing and inference, however, model1 uses very naive preprocessing method as described in following.
Model2 uses reasonalbe preprocessing method by understanding each nucleotide features, however, computationally little bit heavier, which will be mentioned later.

Achieved Accuracy (using 2000 validation datasets)

model Accuracy
Model1 98.8
Model2 98.2

By simply using validation dataset out of give open dataset,
model1 and model2 shows almost same accuracy.



We followed two steps for preprocessing.

  • Onehot encoding
  • Feature extraction by PCA

Since Model1 and Model2 have different approach to this Onehot encoding,
we separated our submissions.
We will explain the differences in more detail later.


We used

  • Logistic Regression

In order to achieve logistic regression inference with homomorphic encryption,
we utilized Microsoft SEAL for our lattice based encryption.
In addtion to the original implementation of SEAL, however,

we used our original trick to speed up the linear operation of logistic regression.

Let us explain about this in little detail.

Speed point of view

Instead of using canonical embedding by CKKS encoding, we used coefficient packing.

In Microsoft SEAL, only BFV scheme has coefficient packing which is the direct encoding the number onto polynomial coefficient, CKKS only supports canonical embedded space in sub-ring to utilize SIMD operation.
This is very powerful in some cases because summation and multiplication in each sub-ring can be easily done.
However, in order to do inner product of two vector, rotation operation is needed to sum up the element between the sub-ring.

Since we found this inner product can be done more efficiently using coefficient method, we implemeted this coeffifient encoding method in CKKS scheme at

By using this coefficient for CKKS, we can have advantages for speed significantly.
Since we can pack two vectors in forward-backward order to calculate inner product of two. Since it uses intrinsic convolutional operation of two polynomial, we do not have to operate rotation operation as should be done for sure in CKKS canonical embedded encoding method.

For example, we want to calculate inner product of two vectors,
$W = {2, 4, 1}$, $X = {1, 2, 2}$,

then these vectors are embedded into ploynoinal space as:

X = x^2 + 2x + 2
W = x^2 + 4x + 2

Note that the weights are embedded in reversed order. Then multiply these polynominals, you can get

x^4 + 6x^3 + 12x^2 + 12x + 4

where the coefficient of x^2 is the result of dot product.

Since the rotation operation in CKKS is as heavy as ciphertext multiplication, cutting this operation can reduce the computation time significantly.

Not only cutting rotation operation, this method leads us to reduce the modulus chain of the encryption settings, hence, this method can benefit us using lighter encryption parameters, which can also contribute to improve the speed for encryption, decryption and computation.
For this reasons, we decided to use CKKS + Coefficient method in our solutions.

Accuracy point of view

Since we use CKKS scheme, we can achieve better accuracy than using BFV. We can expect more flexible implementation for real number encoding, which leads us not to degrade the inference accuracy compared with raw inference as best as possible.

In conclusion, our coefficient encoding method using CKKS holds the advantage as described table bellow.

Summary of Our Approach

Scheme\Point of View Accuracy Speed
CKKS + Cannonical embedding [x] [ ]
BFV + Coefficient encoding [ ] [x]
CKKS + Coefficient encoding (ours) [x] [x]

Using CKKS enables us to embed real number, which has huge advantage over BFV in this ML application.

CKKS Coefficient encoding method can achieve 10x speed up compared with CKKS Cannonical embedding encoding method, which was measured by Ryohei.
In his implementation (Model2), this significance can be tested quite easily by switching two function in main program ON and OFF.

int main{
    // if you want to run with basic lr method please use this function
    main_batch(parameter_folder, input_path, output_path);
    // if you want to use coefficient encoding lr pelase use this function
    // main_coef(parameter_folder, input_path, output_path);

Diffences between Model1 and Model2


The differences between model1 and model2 is the approach to the preprocessing.
In short, model1 uses more naive approach to cut the length of input sequence.

When model1 reads the input sequence, it only reads every 50 protein,
therefore, when it reads the sequence, each sequence becomes length of 600.
After this loading, unique value for each column is found by Pandas library and converted to one-hot form.
As a result, one hot encoded sequence becomes around 3000 dimensions, we take this as an input for PCA, which brings dimension down to 200.

We employed this approach in the beggining of implementation since MASH uses hash function for chunked sequence.
We tried to mimick this approach naively first to see how much accuracy we can still achieve.
Actually we found that this naive can already achieve 98.8% for validation datasets as reported above.


Instead of reading not all the protein from the sequence,
model2 reads all the protein of the sequence.
If we naively extend each column into all the available nucleotide, one-hot encoding becomes too large. To avoid above and to improve speed, input RNAs are embedded into the 4dim existance ratio vector as following map function. This can be done because all the nucleotide alphabet can be described by lienar superposition of basic nucleotide, which is A, C, G and T.

nucleotide_map = {
  #     A    C    G    T
  "A": [1,   0,   0,   0],
  "C": [0,   1,   0,   0],
  "G": [0,   0,   1,   0],
  "T": [0,   0,   0,   1],
  "R": [0.5, 0,   0.5, 0],   # A or G
  "Y": [0,   0.5, 0,   0.5], # C or T
  "S": [0,   0.5, 0.5, 0],  # G or C
  "W": [0.5, 0,   0,   0.5],  # A or T
  "K": [0,   0,   0.5, 0.5],  # G or T
  "M": [0.5, 0.5, 0,   0],  # A or C
  "B": [0,   0.33,0.33,0.33],  # C or G or T
  "D": [0.33,0,   0.33,0.33],  # A or G or T
  "H": [0.33,0.33,0,   0.33],  # A or C or T
  "V": [0.33,0.33,0.33,0],  # A or C or G
  "N": [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25],  # any base
  "O": [0,0,0,0],  # any base

For example, simple sequence such as ATR can be embedded like this,

embedding_func("ATR") = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0]

Since this map each nucleotide to length of four,
each sequence becomes around 100,000 dimension.
This is taken as an input for PCA to extract the features down to 200 dimensions as model1.

Inference of model1 and model2

Both of the model1 and model2 uses Logistic Regression to classify 200 dimensions input to 4 dimensions of strain.

Security Settings

Microsoft SEAL with CKKS scheme is used for encryption scheme with 128bit security. Parameters are as follows:

static const double SCALE = pow(2.0, 30);
static const int POLY_MODULUS_DEGREE = 4096;
static const std::vector<int32_t> MODULUS = {38, 30, 38};

How To Use Our Model

How To Use Model1

git repository is here (

pull docker image from docker hub

$ docker pull kenmaro/idash2021

run docker container

$ docker run --name idash -itd -v <path_to_the_folder_containing_fastafile>:/data/ kenmaro/idash2021

enter docker container and run the inference

$ docker exec -it idash2021 bash

with this, you should see fasta file at /data/***.fa

and please make sure the path of fasta file at /from_local/ line 3 is pointing to the file mounted to this container. (default /data/Challenge.fa) at line 4, please specify the input datasize (# of test data, as default, set as 2000)

rm -rf /from_local/results /from_local/pp_data
mkdir /from_local/results /from_local/pp_data
python /data/Challenge.fa
./seal/test_main_cpp /from_local/pp_data /from_local/trained_model /from_local/results 2000

Among this, line 3 python script conducts preprocessing (till the end of PCA)
Next, line4 c++ binary will read the PACd resluts, then conducts encryption/computation/decryption.

activate pyenv

$ source  


$ sh

check results and labels

$ cat
xs = [">B.1.427", ">B.1.1.7", ">P.1", ">B.1.526"]

1st line of describes the label of the results.
e.g) if label is 0, means that sequence is >B.1.427.

$ ls -l /from_local/results

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    28 Aug 17 05:09 computation.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    27 Aug 17 05:09 decryption.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    27 Aug 17 05:09 encryption.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 96244 Aug 17 05:09 label.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 89033 Aug 17 05:09 probability.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4000 Aug 17 05:09 result_cipher_label.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    26 Aug 17 05:09 roundtrip.csv

description of each output files

  • computation.csv: time for server side computation
  • decryption.csv: time for client side decryption
  • encryption.csv: time for client side encryption
  • label.csv: columns is index, id, class (index is aligned with probability.csv and result_cipher_label.csv, id is id from fasta file, class is index of the strain)
  • probability.csv: probabilities of each DNA sequence (order is same with index of label.csv)
  • roundtrip.csv : time for entire cipher classification

How To Use Model2

git repository is here (

docker hub url is here (

pull docker image from docker hub

Please pull docker image.

$ docker pull dpiyama/idash2021

prepare fastafile and output directory

You need to prepare "fastafile for test" and "output path to output the results after computation".

I represent fastafile path as <path_to_the_fastafile> and output path for the results as <output_folder>.

run docker container

Please run docker container as follows.

$ docker run --name idash -it -v <path_to_the_fastafile>:/data/Challenge.fa -v <output_folder>:/output_path dpiyama/idash2021

Then you are in the container.

Please make sure that you should see fasta file at /data/Challenge.fa.


After that please compile codes with cmake as follows.

$ cd /idash2021 && mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../src/ && make

Then compiled two binaries are generated:

  • ./bin/preprocessing: exec file for preprocessing
  • ./bin/pred_rna: exec file for encryption, computation and decryption

Check parameters for the models

Parameters of logistic regression and PCA are saved at /idash2021/data which is included at docker image.

You can see the following binary files at this directory.

$ ls -lh /idash2021/data/
root@f8d9b07e577c:/idash2021/build# ls -lh /idash2021/data/
total 283M
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  144 Aug 17 12:28 bias_200.npy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3.3K Aug 17 12:28 coef_200.npy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 185M Aug 17 12:28 pca_200.pkl
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  92M Aug 17 12:28 pca_200_components.npy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 469K Aug 17 12:28 pca_200_mean.npy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  928 Aug 17 12:28 pca_200_variance.npy


Please make sure you are in /idash2021/build

This algorithm requires preprocessing with PCA. Therefore before running algorithm you need to run preprocessing code as following command.

$ ./bin/preprocessing /data/Challenge.fa

input_path: /data/Challenge.fa
parameter_folder: ../data
--- start preprocessing ---
ls /idash2021/data/features.bin
preprocessing_time[ms]: 42261
---- end preprocessing ----

where the argument represents the fastafile that you mounted at /data/Challenge.fa with docker run command.

NOTE: If you have problem here, please grant access to the fastafile with chmod command.

Then the preprocessed feature is outputed at /idash2021/data/features.bin.

$ ls /idash2021/data/features.bin

run computation

Please make sure you are in /idash2021/build.

After the preprocessing, please run the computation including encryption, inference and decryption by the following command.

$ ./bin/pred_rna /output_path

output_folder: /output_path
parameter_folder: ../data
--- start prediction ---
[client] encryption time: 176
[server] computation time: 418
[client] decryption time: 340
total time: 949
---- end prediction ----

where the argument represents the output folder to save the results and metrics. This output folder was mounted with docker run command.

Finnaly you can get results at /output_path.

Please make sure the following csv files are generated in to /output_path/

root@f8d9b07e577c:/idash2021/build# ls -lh /output_path/
total 412K
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  102 Aug 17 13:54 metrics.csv
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 407K Aug 17 13:54 result.csv

check results and labels

result.csv include the probabilities of the strains.

root@f8d9b07e577c:/idash2021/build# head /output_path/result.csv
index, B.1.427, B.1.1.7, P.1, B.1.526
0, 0.999937, 1.37394e-05, 4.50208e-05, 4.18259e-06
1, 0.9999, 5.21238e-08, 9.34773e-05, 6.31499e-06
2, 0.999999, 1.79413e-13, 9.34512e-07, 2.75084e-08
3, 0.998126, 9.60127e-09, 0.00187428, 2.52428e-11
4, 0.999942, 1.03136e-05, 4.46096e-05, 3.40095e-06
5, 0.999935, 7.00767e-06, 5.55054e-05, 2.35792e-06
6, 0.999931, 7.39445e-06, 5.90878e-05, 2.41872e-06
7, 0.999714, 0.000202572, 4.84547e-05, 3.53809e-05
8, 0.999464, 1.41565e-06, 0.000511061, 2.35071e-05

As you can see, the first column is index. The second, third, fourth, and fifth columns show the output probabilities of the labels shown in the headers, respectively.

metrics.csv include time[ms] of the computation.

$ head /output_path/metrics.csv
round_trip_time[ms], encryption_time[ms], computation_time[ms], decryption_time[ms]
949,176, 418, 340

Note that, preprocessing time is not included in this file. Please check the stdout of preprocessing if you need the preprocessing time. You can use preprocessing_time of the stdout as that time.


Microsoft SEAL

MIT License

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.