
Learning outcome system for CS4540 @UofU

Primary LanguageC#



The LOT enhanced based on the project we've done this semester, it now contains functionalities to upload/download assignment files and example files, seeing past courses with an integrated ranking system, as well as a feedback endpoint for students to give feedback and use the info for the ranking system.

Running The Application

  1. https://cs4540-a220191206073825.azurewebsites.net/
  2. https://cs4540-a220191206113709.azurewebsites.net/
  3. https://cs4540-a220191206112816.azurewebsites.net/

New LOT Features

Learning outcomes describe the learning that will take place across the curriculum through concise statements, made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully completed a course. Thus having a learning outcome system for professor and the program department is necessary. In order to achieve such goal, we plan on mainly implementing theses functionalities:

  • Syllabus/Examples upload/download/preview:
    • Based on what we have now, implement a fully functional upload/download system so that professors can keep track of the good/average/bad examples each semester and adjust the course accordingly. As well as having a place besides Canvas to store the course syllabus for each semester.
  • Roles adjustment/improvement:
    • Since each professor may teach different courses, and a course may be taught by different professors every semester. For the purpose of "generating better learning outcomes", each professor who taught a specific course should have a read-only access to all the LOs in previous semesters. And hopefully they can make use of it and get better LOs on the way.
  • Student feedback page/ranking system:
    • While LOs are mainly determined by the Professor and the program administrator, students should also take part in the convention of the LOs. A feedback page is a good way to know about how student thinks about each course every semester. Then we can use the data to sort out the "best" courses that've been taught, and what kind of syllabus did that professor used. All is to let professors have a better understanding of what's going good and what's going bad.
  • Searching for courses
    • When the system have used for a couple of years, the course data will become a mess. Thus we want a searching tool for each role to find the things they want appropriately, without giving them extra information that they should not see.