This repo houses a number of quickstarts, apps, and services to showcase the capabilities of Red Hat Single Sign On, based on Keycloak.
Things covered:
Deploying the following services to OpenShift:
- Red Hat Single Sign On
- Red Hat 3Scale API Gateway (maybe)
- Red Hat AMQ Streams
- Kong Enterprise API Gateway (maybe)
A series of applications to simulate a pet adoption and insurance platform with centralized identity.
Configuration of RH SSO:
- Creating a Realm, configuring it, creating Clients.
- Modifying the deployment to use custom themes with a custom baked image.
Configuration of RH 3Scale
The deployment target for this demo is Red Hat OpenShift (tested on 4.8) - you could run this on other OLM-enabled Kubernetes clusters as well with little modification.
The deployment of RH SSO is done via traditional set of manifests such as Services/Routes/StatefulSets/etc instead of via the Operator. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:
# Create a new Project
oc new-project rh-sso
# Deploy the SSO Service
oc apply --namespace=rh-sso -f deploy-rh-sso/
# Pull needed info
RH_SSO_URL=$(oc get route/rh-sso --namespace=rh-sso -o=jsonpath='{}')
RH_SSO_ADMIN_USER=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-sso credential-rh-sso -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_USERNAME | base64 -d)
RH_SSO_ADMIN_PASS=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-sso credential-rh-sso -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64 -d)
3Scale is deployed via the Operator Framework. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:
# Create a new Project
oc new-project rh-3scale
# Deploy the SSO Service
oc apply --namespace=rh-3scale -f deploy-rh-3scale/operator/step1/
## Dashboard URLs
THRSCALE_MASTER_URL=$(oc get routes --namespace=rh-3scale --selector='' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
THRSCALE_ADMIN_URL=$(oc get routes --namespace=rh-3scale --selector='' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
## The Master Credentials
THRSCALE_MASTER_USER=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.MASTER_USER | base64 -d)
THRSCALE_MASTER_PASS=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.MASTER_PASSWORD | base64 -d)
## The Admin Credentials
THRSCALE_ADMIN_USER=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_USER | base64 -d)
THRSCALE_ADMIN_PASS=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64 -d)
Deploy RH Serverless via the Operator Framework. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:
# Deploy the Operator
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step1/
# Wait for the Operator to install
until oc get customresourcedefinition; do sleep 3; done
# Deploy the needed instances
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step2/
Deploy RH AMQ Streams (Kafka) via the Operator Framework. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:
# Deploy the Operator
oc apply -f deploy-rh-amq-streams/
What is needed to deploy this demo? An OpenShift cluster - any Kubernetes cluster will do, your Ingress needs to be considered though since this demo uses OpenShift Routes. Not a hard change, but not one that is in the scope of this repo since Ingress options can vary widely.
Why not use the Operator? The Operator is still in its early stages and some assets don't reconcile properly - it's best and more easily customizable to deploy via StatefulSets.
Tested on OpenShift 4.8. Goals:
- Deploy Red Hat Single Sign On
- Deploy Red Hat 3Scale API Management
- Deploy Red Hat Serverless
- Deploy Red Hat AMQ Streams
- Deploy Applications and Microservices
- Configure Red Hat SSO
- Create a Realm for PetCorp
- Create Clients for:
- Create Groups for:
- Create Test Users (
- Create Test Admin Users (
- Map Users to Groups
- Map Groups to Client Roles
- Create Clients for:
- Create a Realm for PetCorp
oc apply -f deploy-rh-sso/
## RH SSO Route
oc get route rh-sso -n rh-sso-demo -o=jsonpath='{}'
## RH SSO Admin Credentials
oc get secret -n rh-sso-demo credential-rh-sso -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_USERNAME}' | base64 -d
oc get secret -n rh-sso-demo credential-rh-sso -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
oc new-project rh-3scale-demo
## Create a RH Registry Pull Secret
oc apply -f ~/rh-registry-secret.yaml -n rh-3scale-demo
oc apply -f deploy-rh-3scale/operator/ -n rh-3scale-demo
## Wait for like...5 minutes...
## The Master URL
oc get routes -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
## The Admin Credentials
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.MASTER_USER}' | base64 -d
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.MASTER_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
## The Admin URL
oc get routes -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
## The Admin Credentials
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_USER}' | base64 -d
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
## The Developer URL
oc get routes -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
## Install the operator
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step1/
## Wait for like...5 min...or:
until oc get customresourcedefinition; do sleep 3; done
## Create the basic eventing and serving structures
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step2/
oc apply -f deploy-rh-amq-streams/
Create a Realm called petcorp
Create a new Client with the following configuration:
- Name:
- Client Protocol:
- Login Theme:
- Access Type:
With the Client created, you can use it and the ID/Secret pair to create the Admin Portal integration in 3Scale under the Admin Portal > Account Settings > Users > SSO Integrations. Create the Integration and that will give you the generated callback URLs to provide back to this SSO Client...
## Download the OpenShift Router CA Certificate
oc get secret router-ca -n openshift-ingress-operator -o template='{{index .data "tls.key"}}' | base64 -d > $HOME/route-ca.pem
## Get the Zync Certificate Store
ZYNC_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='deploymentConfig=zync' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
oc exec $ZYNC_POD_NAME -- cat /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem > $HOME/zync.pem
## Merge the Certificates
cat $HOME/route-ca.pem >> $HOME/zync.pem
## Create a CA Configmap
oc create configmap zync-ca-bundle -n rh-3scale-demo --from-file=$HOME/zync.pem
## Set the Volume
oc set volume dc/zync --add --name=zync-ca-bundle --mount-path /etc/pki/tls/zync/zync.pem --sub-path zync.pem --source='{"configMap":{"name":"zync-ca-bundle","items":[{"key":"zync.pem","path":"zync.pem"}]}}'
## Configure the DeploymentConfig
oc patch dc/zync --type=json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/0/subPath", "value":"zync.pem"}]'
oc set env dc/zync SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/zync/zync.pem
RH_SSO_URI_BASE="https://$(oc get route rh-sso -n rh-sso-demo -o=jsonpath='{}')/auth"
curl -sSLk "${RH_SSO_URI_BASE}/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration" | jq -r '.token_introspection_endpoint'
RH_SSO_URI_BASE="https://$(oc get route rh-sso -n rh-sso-demo -o=jsonpath='{}')/auth"
curl -sSLk "${RH_SSO_URI_BASE}/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration" | jq -r '.issuer'
Null the text field in the admin panel under Audience > Developer Portal > Settings > Domains & Access