
A robust demonstration of Red Hat Single Sign On (Keycloak) with a number of applications all running on OpenShift.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Red Hat Single Sign On Demo

This repo houses a number of quickstarts, apps, and services to showcase the capabilities of Red Hat Single Sign On, based on Keycloak.

Things covered:

  • Deploying the following services to OpenShift:

    • Red Hat Single Sign On
    • Red Hat 3Scale API Gateway (maybe)
    • Red Hat AMQ Streams
    • Kong Enterprise API Gateway (maybe)
  • A series of applications to simulate a pet adoption and insurance platform with centralized identity.

  • Configuration of RH SSO:

    • Creating a Realm, configuring it, creating Clients.
    • Modifying the deployment to use custom themes with a custom baked image.
  • Configuration of RH 3Scale


The deployment target for this demo is Red Hat OpenShift (tested on 4.8) - you could run this on other OLM-enabled Kubernetes clusters as well with little modification.

1. Red Hat Single Sign On

The deployment of RH SSO is done via traditional set of manifests such as Services/Routes/StatefulSets/etc instead of via the Operator. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:

# Create a new Project
oc new-project rh-sso

# Deploy the SSO Service
oc apply --namespace=rh-sso -f deploy-rh-sso/

# Pull needed info
RH_SSO_URL=$(oc get route/rh-sso --namespace=rh-sso -o=jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
RH_SSO_ADMIN_USER=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-sso credential-rh-sso -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_USERNAME | base64 -d)
RH_SSO_ADMIN_PASS=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-sso credential-rh-sso -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64 -d)

2. Red Hat 3Scale

3Scale is deployed via the Operator Framework. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:

# Create a new Project
oc new-project rh-3scale

# Deploy the SSO Service
oc apply --namespace=rh-3scale -f deploy-rh-3scale/operator/step1/

## Dashboard URLs
THRSCALE_MASTER_URL=$(oc get routes --namespace=rh-3scale --selector='zync.3scale.net/route-to=system-master' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.host}')
THRSCALE_ADMIN_URL=$(oc get routes --namespace=rh-3scale --selector='zync.3scale.net/route-to=system-provider' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.host}')

## The Master Credentials
THRSCALE_MASTER_USER=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.MASTER_USER | base64 -d)
THRSCALE_MASTER_PASS=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.MASTER_PASSWORD | base64 -d)

## The Admin Credentials
THRSCALE_ADMIN_USER=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_USER | base64 -d)
THRSCALE_ADMIN_PASS=$(oc get secret --namespace=rh-3scale system-seed -o json | jq -r .data.ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64 -d)

3. Red Hat Serverless

Deploy RH Serverless via the Operator Framework. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:

# Deploy the Operator
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step1/

# Wait for the Operator to install
until oc get customresourcedefinition knativeservings.operator.knative.dev; do sleep 3; done

# Deploy the needed instances
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step2/

4. Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka)

Deploy RH AMQ Streams (Kafka) via the Operator Framework. To deploy it to any OpenShift cluster, run the following:

# Deploy the Operator
oc apply -f deploy-rh-amq-streams/



  • What is needed to deploy this demo? An OpenShift cluster - any Kubernetes cluster will do, your Ingress needs to be considered though since this demo uses OpenShift Routes. Not a hard change, but not one that is in the scope of this repo since Ingress options can vary widely.

  • Why not use the Operator? The Operator is still in its early stages and some assets don't reconcile properly - it's best and more easily customizable to deploy via StatefulSets.

Quickstart Full Demo on OpenShift

Tested on OpenShift 4.8. Goals:

  • Deploy Red Hat Single Sign On
  • Deploy Red Hat 3Scale API Management
  • Deploy Red Hat Serverless
  • Deploy Red Hat AMQ Streams
  • Deploy Applications and Microservices
  • Configure Red Hat SSO
    • Create a Realm for PetCorp
      • Create Clients for:
        • pet-id-backend
        • pet-id-frontend
        • furever-home-backend
        • furever-home-frontend
        • furever-safe-backend
        • furever-safe-frontend
        • 3scale-admin
        • 3scale-developer
      • Create Groups for:
        • mypetcorp-users
        • mypetcorp-admins
      • Create Test Users (userNN@mypetcorp.com)
      • Create Test Admin Users (adminNN@mypetcorp.com)
      • Map Users to Groups
      • Map Groups to Client Roles

1. Deploy RH SSO

oc apply -f deploy-rh-sso/

## RH SSO Route
oc get route rh-sso -n rh-sso-demo -o=jsonpath='{.spec.host}'

## RH SSO Admin Credentials
oc get secret -n rh-sso-demo credential-rh-sso -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_USERNAME}' | base64 -d
oc get secret -n rh-sso-demo credential-rh-sso -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

2. Deploy RH 3Scale

oc new-project rh-3scale-demo
## Create a RH Registry Pull Secret https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_3scale_api_management/2.10/html-single/installing_3scale/index#creating-a-registry-service-account
oc apply -f ~/rh-registry-secret.yaml -n rh-3scale-demo
oc apply -f deploy-rh-3scale/operator/ -n rh-3scale-demo

## Wait for like...5 minutes...

## The Master URL
oc get routes -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='zync.3scale.net/route-to=system-master' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.host}'

## The Admin Credentials
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.MASTER_USER}' | base64 -d
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.MASTER_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

## The Admin URL
oc get routes -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='zync.3scale.net/route-to=system-provider' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.host}'

## The Admin Credentials
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_USER}' | base64 -d
oc get secret -n rh-3scale-demo system-seed -o=jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

## The Developer URL
oc get routes -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='zync.3scale.net/route-to=system-developer' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.host}'

3. Deploy Red Hat Serverless

## Install the operator
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step1/

## Wait for like...5 min...or:
until oc get customresourcedefinition knativeservings.operator.knative.dev; do sleep 3; done

## Create the basic eventing and serving structures
oc apply -f deploy-rh-serverless/step2/

4. Deploy Red Hat AMQ Streams

oc apply -f deploy-rh-amq-streams/

5. Configure RH SSO

Create a Demo Realm

Create a Realm called petcorp

Create a Client for the 3Scale Admin Portal

Create a new Client with the following configuration:

  • Name: 3scale-admin-portal
  • Client Protocol: openid-connect
  • Login Theme: <your_choice>
  • Access Type: confidential

With the Client created, you can use it and the ID/Secret pair to create the Admin Portal integration in 3Scale under the Admin Portal > Account Settings > Users > SSO Integrations. Create the Integration and that will give you the generated callback URLs to provide back to this SSO Client...

6. Configure 3Scale - OpenID Connect


Configure Zync with Custom CAs for RH SSO

## Download the OpenShift Router CA Certificate
oc get secret router-ca -n openshift-ingress-operator -o template='{{index .data "tls.key"}}' | base64 -d > $HOME/route-ca.pem

## Get the Zync Certificate Store
ZYNC_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -n rh-3scale-demo --selector='deploymentConfig=zync' -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
oc exec $ZYNC_POD_NAME -- cat /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem > $HOME/zync.pem

## Merge the Certificates
cat $HOME/route-ca.pem >> $HOME/zync.pem

## Create a CA Configmap
oc create configmap zync-ca-bundle -n rh-3scale-demo --from-file=$HOME/zync.pem

## Set the Volume
oc set volume dc/zync --add --name=zync-ca-bundle --mount-path /etc/pki/tls/zync/zync.pem --sub-path zync.pem --source='{"configMap":{"name":"zync-ca-bundle","items":[{"key":"zync.pem","path":"zync.pem"}]}}'

## Configure the DeploymentConfig
oc patch dc/zync --type=json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/0/subPath", "value":"zync.pem"}]'
oc set env dc/zync SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/zync/zync.pem

Get the Token Introspection Link

RH_SSO_URI_BASE="https://$(oc get route rh-sso -n rh-sso-demo -o=jsonpath='{.spec.host}')/auth"
curl -sSLk "${RH_SSO_URI_BASE}/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration" | jq -r '.token_introspection_endpoint'

Get the Issuer Link

RH_SSO_URI_BASE="https://$(oc get route rh-sso -n rh-sso-demo -o=jsonpath='{.spec.host}')/auth"
curl -sSLk "${RH_SSO_URI_BASE}/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration" | jq -r '.issuer'

Disable the Access Control on the Developer Portal

Null the text field in the admin panel under Audience > Developer Portal > Settings > Domains & Access

7. Deploy Frontend Applications