
A Vagrant box for Rails development, provisioned with Ansible.

MIT LicenseMIT


A Vagrant box for Rails development, provisioned with Ansible.


  • Install Ansible
  • Run sudo ansible-galaxy install rvm_io.rvm1-ruby
  • Copy the following into your Rails app folder: (if this is a new Rails app that hasn't been created yet, copy them into the project folder you want to use.)
  • Edit ansible/playbook.yml to comment out any installations you don't need
  • Edit ansible/config.yml to configure versions and DB setup info
  • From within your Rails app folder, run vagrant up


  • From within your Rails app folder, run vagrant ssh. This will connect you to the Vagrant box.
  • From within the Vagrant box, run cd /vagrant
  • If this is a new Rails app that hasn't been created yet, run rails new .. This will create a new Rails app in that folder
  • Set up your app to use the database connection provided. Either:
    • Install the dotenv gem and update your database.yml with the following entries: yml development: host: <%= ENV['DB_HOST'] %> database: <%= ENV['DB_NAME'] %> username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'] %> password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] %> test: host: <%= ENV['DB_HOST'] %> database: <%= ENV['DB_NAME'] %>_test username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'] %> password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] %>

    • Or, hard-code your database.yml file to use the same config as ansible/config.yml (not recommended)

  • Run any of your normal Rails setup commands, like bundle install and bin/rake db:migrate
  • Run bin/rails server -b

Then your app will be accessible at http://localhost:3000

Accessing Services

Any service that runs in the virtual machine that you want access to on your host (i.e. in a web browser) needs to bind to, not localhost. The command to do this is different for different systems. For example:

  • bin/rails server -b
  • mailcatcher --ip


MIT. See License file for more info.