- 1
Calling set_all or unset_all with conditions
#33 opened by ausangshukla - 1
- 1
- 6
Form builder not working
#22 opened by ausangshukla - 1
- 2
Document usage with Model.insert_all
#14 opened by wscourge - 2
where_not_state scope missing
#15 opened by fjaeger - 1
Cut a new release
#17 opened by f-mer - 1
Unpermitted Parameters
#16 opened by lucaswatterson - 3
Retired values
#12 opened by graywh - 1
Please add a license file
#10 opened by suaron - 2
Forgetting to set default column value to zero causes "undefined method `>' for false:FalseClass error" errors
#3 opened by jberry - 0
Rails 6?
#4 opened by ghiculescu - 5
Query methods isn't correct
#1 opened by rept