
Modeling Agent Behaviours: El Farol Bar Problem Simulation and Report

Primary LanguagePython

Minority Games: El Farol Bar Problem

An insightful exploration into the El Farol Bar problem through the lens of minority games, including single-shot static games, repeated static games, and repeated inductive games, culminating in a comprehensive final report.

About The Project

This project delves into the complexities of the El Farol Bar problem, a cornerstone example in game theory and complexity science. By simulating single-shot static games, repeated static games, and repeated inductive games, we uncover the dynamics of decision-making and strategy in scenarios where individuals must choose between going to a bar or staying home based on the bar's capacity and the actions of others. This investigation not only sheds light on the theoretical underpinnings of minority games but also provides practical insights into collective behavior patterns.

Getting Started

To dive into the simulations and analyses of the El Farol Bar problem, follow the instructions below to set up the project on your local machine.


Ensure you have the following tools and libraries installed:

  • Python 3.8 or later
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
pip install numpy matplotlib


Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

git clone https://github.com/kennardmah/minority-game-theory-and-mechanism.git
cd minority-game-theory-and-mechanism


The project is divided into three main parts, each focusing on a different aspect of the El Farol Bar problem. You can run the python codes associated with each part to see the simulations and analyses.

Single Shot Static Games

Exploration of single-shot games, where each game is played only once without any learning or adaptation by the agents.

cd Static
python singleshot_static.py

Repeated Static Games

Investigation into games that are played repeatedly, simulating multiple weeks without agents evolving their decision-making process.

cd Static
python repeated_static.py

Repeated Inductive Games

Simulation of games where agents not only adapt based on past outcomes but also evolve their decision-making strategies over time.

cd Repeated
python 4.2.1.py
python 4.2.2.py
python 4.2.3.py
python 4.2.4.py

Final Report

For a comprehensive understanding of the findings and implications of our simulations, refer to the final report:



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Please refer to the Contributing section for detailed instructions on how to contribute.


Kennard Mah (DE4) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennardmah/ Felix Brochier (DE4) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/felix-brochier-80572617b/


Prof. Pierre Pinson Game Theory and Mechanism Module