
ansible role will automatically modify app.js file to start using https and restart server with all versions of Ubuntu

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Ansible Nodejs Certbot

Ansible role to install a stand alone Nodejs Server SSL Cert (Only for Ubuntu Systems)



Required: Ansible Install for Ubuntu and Forever JS

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get install ansible
sudo npm install forever -g

Role Installation

ansible-galaxy install kennashka.ansible_nodejs_certbot

Configure Hosts File (Optional Way to Give Permissions for Accessing Server)

  1. Replace (12.345.678.90) with your target server ip/domain address in hosts file
  2. Add the file location to ssh pem key in hosts file (ex. ansible_ssh_private_key_file= directory/location/to/your/pem/key/file.pem)
  3. Another option way is using boto for accessing server

Configure "tasks/certbot.yml" File:

Replace File Variables With Targeted Host Machine, Default User (root permission is needed to run certain tasks), Your Web Domain Info, Nodejs App Folder Name, and Email

- hosts: addyourhost
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: yes
    domain_name: 'yoursite.com'
    domain_name2: 'www.yoursite.com'
    app_folder: 'nodeappfoldername'
    letsencrypt_email: 'mail@yoursite.com'


  1. This ansible role is assuming you have the server file named as "app.js"
  2. Certbot Requires port 80 or 443 to be available
  3. Default location path name for app and remote user: (ex. '{{ app_directory_path }}/') can be update
  4. Default location path name for yourapp/public for certbot challenge:
path='{{ app_directory_path }}/public/.well-known/acme-challenge'
  1. Certbot expects that App is up and running for Certbot challenge (/.well-known/acme-challenge)
  2. This ansible role will automatically modify app.js file to start using https and restart server


ansible-playbook -i ./hosts tasks/certbot.yml