Defender CLI

Attribute Description

[-h] Prints the help information for the command. -n NAME The name of the rule being created.

[-ts TIMES] The time span for which the rule is active. This should be specified as: xx:yy-xx:yy You can define more than one time period by using a comma between them. For example: xx:yy-xx:yy, xx:yy-xx:yy.

[-dir DIRECTION] The direction in which the rule is applied. This should be specified as: both | src | dst

[-dev DEVICES] The IP address and the address type of the devices to be excluded by the rule, specified as: ip-x.x.x.x mac-xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx subnet: x.x.x.x/x

[-a ALERTS] The name of the alert that the rule will exclude: 0x00000 0x000001