
A proof of concept scaper, able to retrieve google image results using googles cryptic batchexecute API

Primary LanguagePython

Installing reference script

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 image_search.py


Scrape urls from google images, with working pagination

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Display request debug information instead of results
  -s [term], --search [term]
                        Image search term(s)
  -p PAGE_NUM, --page_num PAGE_NUM
                        Page number to request

Batchexecute documentation

There are two main steps to calling batchexecute, you must first call a normal image search to be able to gather up required parameters from the HTML body, you can then construct a call to batchexecute to retrieve subsequent image results.

Initial image search




Header Value Reason
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 Request payload is a 'JSON-like' string and must be sent as a urlencoded parameter
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0 Google determines whether to enable javascript based on this header, Javascript must be enabled to scrape the required parameters from the HTML body. Any modern user-agent string should work


Param Example Value Description
q monkey search query
tbm isch search function, isch = image search


Screen width can be set with the param biw. This will eventually end up as a parameter for batchexecute calls but does not seem to affect returned results.

Calling batchexecute

Several 'sources' within the HTML body of the initial image search must be scraped to collect required parameters for a call to batchexecute:

  • WIZ_global_data
  • AF_initDataCallback
  • AF_dataServiceRequests

Refer to the reference script (image_search.py) for details on how to scrape the listed information sources into useable python objects




Header Value Reason
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 Request payload is a 'JSON-like' string and must be sent as a urlencoded parameter
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0 Google determines whether to enable javascript based on this header, Javascript must be enabled to scrape the required parameters from the HTML body. Any modern user-agent string should work


Param Source Example value/index description
rpcids hardcoded HoAMBc Function call name HoAMBc = image search
source-path hardcoded /search Request subdirectory
f.sid WIZ_global_data FdrFJe Signed 64 bit int, possible XSRF deterrent
bl WIZ_global_data cfb2h endpoint version / server instance name?
hl WIZ_global_data GWsdKe Region code
authuser hardcoded Unset Based on logged in user, no value set when not logged in
_reqid calculated 181562 1 + seconds since midnight + (100000 * page number)
rt hardcoded Unset c = normal response, b = protobuf, omit for easier to parse json response
f.req calculated See f.req section batchexecute function parameters


The f.req parameter contains the data required for the batchexecute endpoint to return a set of image results. It is purposfully obfuscated to make its construction unclear, despite looking like a JSON object it is in fact a string and must be treated as such. The following template shows a paramaterised version of the data:


Param Source Index Description
grid_state AF_initDataCallback [31][0][12][11] references zero or more image results, result dimensions and screen dimensions, does not seem to directly affect returned results
search_query AF_dataServiceRequests [28] search query
page_number_nonce AF_initDataCallback [31][0][12][16][3] Obfuscated page number, a base64 encoded integer that determines which page number to return results for, incremented on each subsequent call to batchexecute
countdown_nonce AF_initDataCallback [31][0][12][16][4] Unknown obfuscated number, decrements on each subsequent call to batchexecute. Does not appear to affect returned results and can be left at initial value

Subsequent requests

The intended use of the batchexecute function call is to incrementally make subsequent calls to batchexecute as the user scrolls down the page so that new images can be loaded in dynamically on the infinite scroll. This can be imitated by taking the following steps:

  • Perform the call outlined in Calling batchexecute
  • Convert the returned data into a python object (refer to image_search.py) and infer a new AF_initDataCallback object from returned_data[0][2]
  • Extract new variables grid_state, page_number_nonce and countdown_nonce from the object, and build a new f.req parameter
  • Repeat the call with the newly constructed f.req parameter in Calling batchexecute

However, the only variables that change between calls are page_number_nonce and countdown_nonce and luckily for us the offset values for these can be calculated! This means that we can skip making subsequent calls and skip right to the page number we want. Refer to image_search.py on how to convert these values to integers and back.

Offset formulas


page_number_nonce_offset = b64encode((int.from_bytes(b64decode(page_number_nonce), "big") + page_number).to_bytes(2, "big")).decode('utf-8')

Description : Base64 decode the nonce and then cast to an integer. Increment value by the desired page number. Cast back to bytes and re-encode to base64


countdown_nonce_offset = af_initdatacallback[31][0][12][16][4] if page_number == 0 else b64encode(max(0,(106568949760 - (page_number * 402587648))).to_bytes(5, "big")).decode('utf-8')

Description : If this is the first page number, just infer the nonce from AF_InitDataCallback, else take the first nonce returned from batchexecute (always 'GNABIAA=' which converts to 106568949760`) and decrement by the page_number * 402587648 (this seems to be a constant decrement value for subsequent calls)


countdown_nonce is not required for the call to succeed and return desired image results, it can actually be left at its initial value (af_initdatacallback[31][0][12][16][4]). page_number_nonce however is required.


Deciphering this endpoint would not have been possible without the work of some other noteworthy people:

Ryan Kovatch - For deciphering a lot of common parameters in the batchexecute endpoint and documenting their use

FOAF-lambda - For creating a reference script that gave me a solid start in deciphering the HoAMBc varient of the batchexecute endpoint