A cloudless home automation solution powered by Golang.
Currently supported device types:
Device |
Description |
alert |
Pushover message forwarding |
meross |
Control Meross bulb and sockets |
snowdon |
Control Snowdon II soundbars with the Snowdon-II-wifi mod |
tvcom |
Control LG5000 TVs over a websocket serial bridge |
wol |
Control Wake-On-Lan enabled devices, power state can be toggled on devices utilising Action-On-LAN |
frigate |
Subscribes to the frigate/reviews topic and forwards any alerts to Pushover |
Parameter |
Description |
apiVersion |
version string to be prepended to all endpoint routes |
devices |
array of device objects |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Unique identifier for the alert device. |
timeoutMs |
Timeout value in milliseconds for the alert operation. |
token |
Pushover application token. |
user |
Pushover user token. |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Unique identifier for the device. |
deviceType |
Type of meross device: "bulb" or "socket". |
timeoutMs |
Timeout value in milliseconds for communication. |
host |
IP address of the device. |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Unique identifier for the Snowdon device. |
timeoutMs |
Timeout value in milliseconds for communication. |
host |
IP address of the Snowdon device. |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Unique identifier for the tvcom device. |
timeoutMs |
Timeout value in milliseconds for communication. |
host |
IP address of the tvcom websocket bridge |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Unique identifier for the WOL device. |
timeoutMs |
Timeout value in milliseconds for the WOL operation. |
host |
IP address of the target machine. |
macAddress |
MAC address of the target machine. |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Unique identifier for the frigate device. |
timeoutMs |
Timeout value in milliseconds for communication. |
mqtt.host |
IP address of the MQTT broker used by frigate. |
mqtt.port |
Port of the MQTT broker used by frigate. (default 1883) |
alert.url |
URL for Pushover API, can be pointed at an alert forwarder or the official Pushover API |
alert.token |
Pushover application token. (default "") |
alert.user |
Pushover user token. (default "") |
alert.priority |
Priority level for the alert. (default 0) |
frigate.url |
URL for the Frigate service. |
frigate.externalUrl |
External URL for accessing Frigate. (default frigate.url ) |
frigate.cacheEvents |
Cache clips from frigate events locally |
frigate.cachePath |
Path to cache frigate event clips to (default /tmp/cache) |
apiVersion: v2
- type: meross
name: "lamp"
deviceType: bulb
timeoutMs: 1600
host: ""
- type: meross
name: "plug"
deviceType: socket
timeoutMs: 1600
host: ""
- type: tvcom
name: tvcom
timeoutMs: 1000
host: ""
- type: snowdon
name: snowdon
timeoutMs: 10000
host: ""
- type: wol
name: pc
timeoutMs: 100
host: ""
macAddress: "00:11:22:33:44:55"
- type: alert
name: alert
timeoutMs: 5000
token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
user: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- type: frigate
name: frigate
timeoutMs: 3000
host: mosquitto.cluster.local
url: https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json
token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
user: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
url: http://frigate.cluster.local
externalUrl: https://frigate.example.com
cacheEvents: false