
Interface for interacting with RESTful APIs on the Badger 2040 W

Primary LanguageC


Interface for interacting with RESTful APIs on the Badger 2040 W

LiPo Charge Mod

The Badger 2040 W does not come with charge circuitry for LiPo batteries, a TP4056 module was soldered in situ to rectify this. The Badger 2040 W isolates the LiPo JST and USB power via a mosfet making this mod feasible.


  • TP4056 module (usb desoldered)
  • Lipo Battery 500mAh (403048)

Preparing the build environment

Install build requirements:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi build-essential

Install the Pico SDK:

git clone -b master https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk.git --recursive
export PICO_SDK_PATH="$(pwd)/pico-sdk"

The PICO_SDK_PATH set above will only last the duration of your session.

You should should ensure your PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable is set in your profile, e.g ~/.bash_profile

export PICO_SDK_PATH="/path/to/pico-sdk"

Grab my fork of the Pimoroni libraries

git clone -b badger-2040w https://github.com/kennedn/pimoroni-pico /path/to/pimoroni-pico
export PIMORONI_PICO_PATH="/path/to/pimoroni-pico"


NOTE: As much WIFI information as possible is specified at compile time in an effort to reduce wifi connect times since these occur each time the device wakes up

The following definitions are required to build the project:

Definition Description
WIFI_SSID Name of wifi network to join
WIFI_PASSWORD Password of wifi network to join
WIFI_BSSID BSSID of wifi network to join
WIFI_CHANNEL Channel of wifi network to join
API_SERVER API server to use for HTTP calls

Additional definitions have default values that can be overridden:

Definition Default value Description
NTP_SERVER pool.ntp.org NTP server to retrieve time from
IP_ADDRESS Static IP address to use on network
IP_GATEWAY Default gateway to use on network
IP_DNS DNS address to use for name resolution
JSON_FILEPATH PROJECT_ROOT/config/tiles.json JSON file containing tile definitions
DEBUG_PRINT 0 Enables debug printing to (USB) UART

NOTE: The Pico SDK also requires PICO_BOARD be set to pico_w to build wifi projects

JSON file

A JSON file is required to render an array of tiles in restfulBadger. It's default location is PROJECT_ROOT/config/tiles.json. Each tile consists of:


Key Description
name Tile name, shown under the tiles icon
image_idx Index of icon to display from image_tiles[]
action_request Optional Initial HTTP request without response checking
status_request Optional Secondary HTTP request with response checking


    "name": "office",
    "image_idx": 0,
    "action_request": {},
    "status_request": {}

HTTP Request

Key Description
method HTTP method
endpoint HTTP URL Endpoint, appended to API_SERVER
json_body JSON string to send to the endpoint
key Key of the value to extract from the HTTP response
on_value Compared with key value, produces a tick mark
off_value Compared with key value, produces a cross mark


    "method": "POST",
    "endpoint": "/v2/meross/office",
    "json_body": "{\"code\": \"status\"}",
    "key": "onoff",
    "on_value": "1",
    "off_value": "0"


Clone Repo and cd:

git clone https://github.com/kennedn/restful-badger
cd restful-badger

Configure the JSON file at PROJECT_ROOT/config/tiles.json

cd config
vi tiles.json
cd ..

NOTE: If tiles.json is updated in the future, cmake .. must be run from the build directory again to apply any changes

Make build directory and cd:

mkdir build
cd build

Run cmake with definitions:

cmake .. \
  -DPICO_BOARD=pico_w \
  -DWIFI_SSID="cool-wifi-ssid" \
  -DWIFI_PASSWORD="cool-wifi-password" \
  -DWIFI_BSSID=66:55:44:33:22:11 \
  -DAPI_SERVER="api.cool.com" \
  -DPICO_SDK_PATH="/path/to/pico-sdk" \
  -DPIMORONI_PICO_PATH="/path/to/pimoroni-pico" \

Cd to src folder and make:

cd src