- 12
Use pyhafas
#35 opened by Kurisudes - 0
Canceled connection is reported as 'ontime'
#38 opened by bbutscher - 0
Bahn declares cancelled train wrong?
#37 opened by kgroshert - 2
TypeError: unsupported operand type
#34 opened by kgroshert - 1
Help with use
#31 opened by OldShaterhan - 2
schiene crashes
#29 opened by gpgmailencrypt - 2
Hamburg-Eidelstedt not working
#25 opened by fabsenet - 1
Better Alternative
#22 opened by mariusdkm - 2
Is there a limit to requests / seconds?
#23 opened by kevinkit - 1
#24 opened by ChristophGmeiner - 1
Duration not accurate if >24 hours
#21 opened by CubicrootXYZ - 2
" & self.only_direct" in update
#19 opened by DuckY1987 - 2
Problem with Wolfbusch Station
#18 opened - 11
HAFAS endpoint
#1 opened by derhuerst - 15
>AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'< on certain connections
#14 opened by PattaFeuFeu - 8
There is a Bahn api now
#16 opened by deisi - 1
HTML Code changed?
#17 opened by RatzeR - 5
"delay" not working
#11 opened by Brice187 - 4
Schiene fails to convert price to float
#6 opened by snizzleorg - 1
Requirement "lxml" missing
#4 opened by L3viathan - 3
Not getting the next train correctly
#3 opened by deisi