Puppeteer Page Crawler

The aim of this package is to crawl the pages of your application and perform a similar task on each one.

Some potential ideas:

  • Taking screenshots of your application.
  • Running accessibility tests on each page by using axe-puppeteer.
  • Creating PDFs from your application.


npm install puppeteer puppeteer-page-crawler

Example usage

const { run } = require('puppeteer-page-crawler');

const siteConfig = {
  id: 'deque-university',
  origin: 'https://dequeuniversity.com',
  baseUrl: 'https://dequeuniversity.com/demo/mars/',
  needsLogin: false,
  maxPageVisits: 10,

let imageId = 0;
async function takeScreenshot({ page }) {
  await page.screenshot({ path: `./image-${imageId}.png` });

run(siteConfig, takeScreenshot);

A more comprehensive example of taking screenshots can be found in /example. It can be run locally using npm run example.

TypeScript warning

When passing siteConfig as the first parameter to run, make sure that it extends SiteConfig, otherwise you're likely to get a type error.