Template & guide for the development & deployment of a basic production app

# Development environment
- Local Docker compose cluster for isolated dev infra
- VSCode for an IDE connected to the dev containers
- Standard JS for linting and formatting
- Local testing (TBD)
- Git branching startegy (TBD)
- CI/CD strategy (TBD)

# App structure
- Postgres database
- S3-compatible blobstore 
- Redis cache
- App server running express with server-side rendering

# Deployment infrastructure (TBD)
- Digital ocean (compose/swarm/manual config)
- Dev/Staging/Prod environments
- Incremental rollout
- Autoscaling
- Backups
- Alerts

# Get started
- Install Docker Desktop
- Install VS Code
- Install TablePlus
- Copy https://github.com/fynyky/web-app-template into your own repo
- Create a Docker Dev Environment using the new repo
- Check website working localhost
- Open app container in VSCode from docker dev
- In the VSCode terminal `npm run dev`
- Make changes