
Demonstrates vscode devcontainer and kubernetes dev experience using sample code with service layer and UI layers

Primary LanguageC#


A tracerbullet for linux development on WSL.


  1. Be able to develop full stack with debug and watch capability with VSCode DevContainer.
  2. Produce configurable containers for deployment.

How to Use

Tested on Windows 10 20H2 OS Build 19042.867.

  1. Install WSL 2, Ubuntu and Windows Terminal (optional).
  2. Clone the repo on WSL 2 filesystem.
  3. On WSL, run open-dev.sh to start VS Code, then click Reopen in Container on each VS Code.
  4. On each VS Code, F5 to launch the app.
    • vue-app runs in watch mode. Any changes are HMRed.
    • web-api runs in debug mode. You can put breakpoint in VS Code.
    • To run web-api in watch mode, you have to stop the debug, and run dotnet watch run src/web-api on the terminal.
    • Make sure to put /vue-app or /web-dotvvm at the end of url, like http://localhost:12345/vue-app.
  5. Make changes.
  6. Run build.sh to build docker images.
  7. Run run.sh to instantiate docker containers in dev mode.
  8. Do git commit/push in WSL console. (That is most simple option.)

Testing the Images from Docker Hub

When you push, github action triggers pushing new docker images to docker hub. To configure this,

  1. If you cloned this repo,
    1. On your github repo's Settings, define 2 secrets: REGISTRY_USERNAME and REGISTRY_PASSWORD
    2. Modify .env-docker-hub first line, DOCKER_REGISTRY to your REGISTRY_USERNAME value.
  2. When there is push to github reposotiry, .github/workflows/docker-image.yml will push new image to the docker hub using push-docker-images.sh.
  3. Run run-docker-hub.sh to run services using the images from Docker Hub.

Launching in Kubernetes

  1. Install ingress following the instruction from https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/
  2. If needed, modify set-DOCKER_HOST_IP_ADDR.sh to put the desired hostname for DOCKER_HOST_NAME where you want ingress to set up for.
  3. Run run-k8s.sh