Nginx Proxy

Build Status Ansible Role

Install Nginx for use as a front-end proxy.


Requires the nginx role (automatically included).

Role Variables: Main Nginx configuration

  • nginx_proxy_worker_processes: Number of worker processes, default 1
  • nginx_proxy_buffers: Number and size of proxy buffers (optional)
  • nginx_dynamic_proxy_resolvers: If the proxied servers are referred to by hostname instead of IP addresses you must provide at least one DNS server

Role Variables: Main site

  • nginx_proxy_server_name: The server name, default $hostname. Set this if you are configuring a virtualhost.
  • nginx_proxy_listen_http: Listen on this port, default 80.
  • nginx_proxy_cachebuster_port: An alternative port which can be used to force a cache refresh, disabled by default. You should ensure this is firewalled. You must also set nginx_proxy_cachebuster_enabled to enable this for individual sites.
  • nginx_proxy_404: The URI to show for 404 errors, default ''.

SSL variables:

  • nginx_proxy_ssl: If True enable SSL on port 443, default False
  • nginx_proxy_hsts_age: The max-age in seconds for a HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) header, default is to omit this header
  • nginx_proxy_http2: If True enable HTTP2, default False
  • nginx_proxy_force_ssl: If True permanently redirect all http requests to https, default False

If SSL is enabled you should install the certificates on the server and set the following two variables:

  • nginx_proxy_ssl_certificate: Server path to SSL certificate
  • nginx_proxy_ssl_certificate_key: Server path to SSL certificate key

Optionally this role can handle the certificate installation for you, if you specify the local source paths (default empty, you must handle the installation yourself):

  • nginx_proxy_ssl_certificate_source_path: Local path to SSL certificate
  • nginx_proxy_ssl_certificate_key_source_path: Local path to SSL certificate key

Backend servers:

  • nginx_proxy_backends: List of dictionaries of backend servers with fields

    • name: A variable name for proxies using dynamic IP (ignored for static IPs)
    • location: The URL location
    • server: The backend server including scheme
    • dynamic: If True lookup IP on every request, default False (only lookup at startup).
    • cache_validity: The time that an object should be cached for, if omitted caching is disabled for this backend
    • websockets: If True enable proxying of websockets, default False
    • read_timeout: The proxy read timeout, optional
    • host_header: Optionally set the Host header, you shouldn't need to set this unless you're trying to work around bugs in applications
  • nginx_proxy_upstream_servers: List of dictionaries of backend servers used for load-balancing with fields:

    • name: The name of the load-balancing group (can be referenced in nginx_proxy_backends.[].server)
    • balance: Load balancing algorithm
    • servers: List of backend servers to be load-balanced
  • nginx_proxy_streams: List of dictionaries of backend streaming servers

    • name: A variable name used for grouping multiple upstream servers
    • port: The port Nginx should listen on
    • servers: A list of backend servers, each item may include server specific parameters
    • timeout: Timeout between successive reads/writes
    • connect_timeout: Backend connection timeout

Warning: Using non-standard http ports in nginx_proxy_streams may lead to SELinux failures. This role will attempt to configure SELinux but may fail.


  • nginx_proxy_redirect_map: List of dictionaries of URL redirects with fields:
    • match: The request uri to match (operators such as ~ are allowed, matching can include query arguments)
    • dest: The new uri
  • nginx_proxy_redirect_map_locations: List of dictionaries of locations to be mapped using nginx_proxy_redirect_map
    • location: An nginx location to be mapped
    • code: Optional HTTP redirect status code, default 302 (use 301 for a permanent redirect)
  • nginx_proxy_direct_locations: List of dictionaries of locations to be handled directly with the following fields. location is required, along with at least one of the other fields:
    • location: An nginx location to be mapped (required)
    • redirect301: The new uri to redirect to with code 301
    • redirect302: The new uri to redirect to with code 302
    • index: Nginx index locations
    • root: Root directory for requests
    • alias: Alias this directory to location
  • nginx_proxy_block_locations: List of locations which should be blocked (404)

Use nginx_proxy_direct_locations with redirect* if you need to redirect based on Nginx location only, use nginx_proxy_redirect_map with nginx_proxy_redirect_map_locations if you also want to redirect based on query arguments.


  • nginx_proxy_websockets_enable: This must be True if any proxies require proxying of websockets, default False


  • nginx_proxy_cache_parent_path: The parent directory for the nginx caches (optional)

  • nginx_proxy_caches: List of dictionaries of cache specifications with fields:

    • name: Name of the cache
    • keysize: Amount of shared memory to use for storing cache keys
    • maxsize: Upper limit of the size of the cache
    • inactive: Time that items should be cached for
    • match: List of patterns to be stored in this cache, you probably want one item with the value default somewhere
  • nginx_proxy_cache_skip_uri: List of URI patterns that shouldn't be cached (default: everything that doesn't match nginx_proxy_cache_match_uri)

  • nginx_proxy_cache_match_uri: List of URI patterns that should be cached

  • nginx_proxy_cache_skip_arg: List of query patterns that shouldn't be cached (default for this is always the result of nginx_proxy_cache_*_url)

  • nginx_proxy_cache_match_arg: List of query patterns that should be cached (default for this is always the result of nginx_proxy_cache_*_url)

  • nginx_proxy_set_header_host: Override the hostname seen by the backend proxy, default is to use the Nginx $host variable (recommended for most cases)

  • nginx_proxy_forward_scheme_header: A header to be set containing the scheme (e.g. http, https) that will be passed to the backend

  • nginx_proxy_debug_cache_headers: If True add extra headers for debugging (not for production), default False

  • nginx_proxy_cache_ignore_headers: Headers to be ignored, e.g. '"Set-Cookie" "Vary" "Expires"'

  • nginx_proxy_cache_hide_headers: Headers to be hidden from clients in cached responses, must be a list e.g. [Set-Cookie]

  • nginx_proxy_cache_key: Override the default Nginx cache key, for example "$host$request_uri" to ignore session cookies

  • nginx_proxy_cache_key_map: Optionally map nginx_proxy_cache_key to the desired cache key, for instance if you want to ignore part of the url. This should be a list of dictionaries with fields:

    • match: Match in nginx_proxy_cache_key
    • key: The cache key nginx_proxy_cache_key is always included as the default.
  • nginx_proxy_cache_use_stale: Situations in which stale cache results should be returned, see defaults/main.yml for default

  • nginx_proxy_cache_lock_time: Prevent multiple backend requests to the same object (subsequent requests will wait for the first to either return or time-out), default 1 minute

  • nginx_proxy_cachebuster_enabled: Set to True to enable cache-busting on port nginx_proxy_cachebuster_port

Warning: for convenience, put nginx_proxy_cache_parent_path on a separate partition (calculate size of the partition based on max_size set on disk caches).

Warning: If SELinux is enabled you may need to update your policy yourself to allow Nginx to bind to a non-standard port (typically 80, 81, 443, 488, 8008, 8009, 8443, 9000 are allowed).

Role Variables: Multiple sites

  • nginx_proxy_sites: Additional sites can be configured by creating an array of dictionaries overriding the above "Main site" parameters. The default: nginx_proxy_sites: { nginx_proxy_is_default: True } mean a single site will be created using the parameters defined above. Most parameters are supported in site specific confiugrations with the exception of those named nginx_proxy_*cache*, and nginx_proxy_redirect_map. One site-specific additional parameter is supported:
    • nginx_proxy_is_default: If True this is the default Nginx site, default False.

Example Playbooks


Advanced configuration: force https, use HSTS, enable HTTP2

- hosts: localhost
  - role: nginx_proxy
    - location: /
      server: http://a.internal
      cache_validity: 1h
    nginx_proxy_worker_processes: 4
    nginx_proxy_404: '/404.html'
    nginx_proxy_ssl: True
    nginx_proxy_ssl_certificate: /etc/nginx/ssl/website.crt
    nginx_proxy_ssl_certificate_key: /etc/nginx/ssl/website.key
    nginx_proxy_http2: True
    nginx_proxy_force_ssl: True
    nginx_proxy_hsts_age: 31536000

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