
A template for react, python, mysql application, easily deployable to AWS with scale. No comments on security

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project Template

This template can be used to have 4 services locally:

  1. frontend React
  2. backend python
  3. redis
  4. mysql

In production, you build the frontend and serve it through a s3_bucket. The backend runs within docker on a machine. The database and redis can be run on the same machine as the backend or different machines and connected. You Just change the env variables.

Running locally:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

For the truly adventurous and lazy:

docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --renew-anon-volumes

Accessing Services


The frontend will be on:


The backend will be on:

You can test this by going to:

You might also want to ssh into the machine, you can do that with:

docker-compose exec api /bin/bash

or you may want to access a python shell with the db already connected to play around:

docker-compose exec api python manage.py shell

Local DB

The local DB will be on:

If you want to access the mysql shell:

docker-compose exec api-db mysql --password=mysql api_dev


Adminer will be on:

With password=mysql

The salted password with "$2b$04$8soYgayLjwuTx5mzLIAmWuFWtzkptaJiLDjqzN3S9f9mmQkdgWIAC"

Is from password="password", use that to access any of the default accounts


Redis will be on: