# install dependencies
$ npm i
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.
custom setup with scss and style-resource ...
Mode Default, Dark or Light is set in vuex "store/index.js".
appMode: "default"
A class is accordingly added to the .purspot div tag in "layouts/default.vue" to set global mode styling.
https://github.com/nuxt-community/svg-sprite-module Put your svg icons in "assets/icons". The class "ps-icon" is added to icon.
// Usage
<svg-icon name="search"/>
// nuxt.config.js
buildModules: [
svgSprite: {
input: '~/assets/icons/',
elementClass: 'ps-icon'
Bigger things from my perspective.
All functionality and flows need to be tested
- Language (Not touched) - Maybe -> https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/
- LocalStorage (Not touched) - Maybe -> https://www.npmjs.com/package/nuxt-vuex-localstorage
- Time - Open houres etc. (Not touched) - Design for lables etc done.
Yes/ No should be moved to local storage, now in vuex.
"Do you want a notification..." ...etc HTML done, not implemented in nuxt
Strategy for your content pages is not done.
I am avalible for discussion
- Konsumer (Not touched)
- Merchant (Not touched)
- Contact (Not touched)
- Payment History (Not touched)
- Feedback (Not touched) - Design done
- "Tab" - Map (Design done for the toggle tab but not the map itself) only ask for locastion tab is clicked. only load map thing if clicked, save kb.
- "Tab" - QR (Design done for the toggle tab but n0t the QR code itself) only load QR things if clicked. save kb.
- A-Ö - Load more function, showing all now.
- "Groups" like A-Ö list different groups.
- Not completed
- Check static data
- Suggestion -> In only one "location" maybe redirect to loctaion directly
- Check static data
- Products search (Not touched) -> Startpage has a search working.
- Suggestion -> In only one "location" maybe redirect to loctaion directly
- Check static data
- FYI -> ardcoded values in cart to complete flow.
- Cart - Static today
- Cart - Add & Remove from basket should be done from VUEX. Inspiration -> http://www.voerro.com/en/tutorials/r/simple-persistent-shopping-cart-implementation-with-vuejs-2-and-vuex-in-laravel-5/2
- UX Suggetsion -> When cart is open, it should be possible to edits the products directly in that view , + - and remove.
- Body scroll, when opening cart products wrapper / body loses its position and scrolls to top. https://vuejsexamples.com/vue-directive-to-lock-the-body-scroll-without-stopping-the-target-element-from-scrolling/
- Hardcoded payment method
- Method Pay() is pending
- Check static data
As pay is pending this is the URL i use. http://localhost:3000/receipt/9ee03b15-547a-4087-93c1-3041e40c3135#
- popup -> HTML done, not implemented in nuxt
- Check Static data