Integrating Amazon RDS, MySQL Workbench, and PyMySQL to build and deploy a database on the cloud

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Definitive Guide to Creating a SQL Database on Cloud with AWS and Python

An easy-to-follow comprehensive guide on integrating Amazon RDS, MySQL Workbench, and PyMySQL to build and deploy a database in the cloud for Python applications

Link to article: https://towardsdatascience.com/definitive-guide-to-create-an-sql-database-on-cloud-with-aws-and-python-c818c7270af2



  • Example-Notebook.ipynb: Main notebook with sample codes on using PyMySQL and general Python functions to connect to Amazon RDS database instance and perform CRUD operations.
  • config.py: Configuration file comprising key database connection parameters


  • /ssl: Folder containing the bundle file of SSL certificates (for encrypted SSL connection between local client and RDS database instance)
  • /assets: Folder containing the various screenshots in the step-by-step guide


  • In the midst of building a web application for a client, I came across the need to set up a database system to store valuable user traffic data
  • While each component (i.e. AWS RDS, MySQL Workbench, and PyMySQL) is easy to work with, integrating them together to form a closed-loop system proved to be relatively challenging.
  • This is especially true given that online resources tend to be fragmented, with numerous important caveats and hurdles not clearly explained and illustrated.
  • Having overcome these challenges to successfully set up a production database in AWS, I believe it would be important to share this information with the community, including my future self.
