
An exercise for JS constructor functions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Constructors, Prototypes and this

JavaScript Fundamentals


  • explain the four principles of the 'this' keyword and demonstrate each explanation with an example of their uses
  • describe, and use prototypes, constructor functions the new keyword, and pseudo-classical inheritance to build objects


In order to complete these tasks you will need your newly aquired knowledge of constructor functions, prototypes, and the this keyword.


Task 1: Set up Project

Using VSCode and Command Line:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Go into canvas and connect your reop to codegrade
  3. Clone your forked version of the repo
  4. DO NOT CREATE A BRANCH. You will be pushing your changes to the main/master today
  5. cd into your repo
  6. open the terminal in your vs code and type npm install
  7. next type npm run test in your terminal
  8. Complete your work making regular commits to main/ master your codegrade score will update each time you make a push.

Task 2 - MVP

Find the file index.js and complete tasks 1, 2 and 3 until all of your tests pass. There is an additional task 4 which requires written explanations and has no tests.

If you run into trouble while coding, fight the good fight for 20 minutes and then get on the help channel. Remember to formulate your help request in a professional manner - like you would at the job - by including error messages, screenshots, and any other pertinent information about the problem, as well as what things you have attempted already while trying to solve it.

Testing & Debugging

Open a second terminal inside of your project by clicking on the split terminal icon alt text

Inside of your second terminal type npm start alt text

You will be running your tests in one terminal and debugging in the other. As you work on your code you should make use of console.log to check your progress and debug. alt text

Task 3 - Stretch

There are stretch goals found throughout index.js. Do not start work on these until you have finished MVP.


What the Beep is this in JavaScript?

Submission format

Please submit your project via codegrade by following these instructions See part 2, submitting an assignment with codegrade