
The starting place for every top-knotch WordPress theme

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Theme Skeleton

To make a long story short, I hate repeating myself. A lot. Every time I sit down to build a WordPress theme for a client, I end out starting the exact same way. So I decided to make a WordPress Theme skeleton. Not only does this saves me hours of time, but after months of refinement, this skeleton has brought my client themes to a whole new level. Make sure to fork me! If you do, you get a cookie.

Download WordPress Theme Skeleton to get started.


  • Pre-built functions.php, header.php, footer.php, page.php, single.php, index.php, 404.php
  • Out of the box iPhone / iPad CSS support (portrait and landscape). Just edit iPhone.css and iPad.css
  • Additional meta-tags for Mobile Safari
  • Included Apple Touch Icon (46x46)
  • Included custom icon for site login screen
  • jQuery plugin which adds OS, Browser name, and Version to body tag.
  • jQuery plugin for marking current URL in links
  • CSS Reset and Standard Attributes included
  • All page types are available as Page / Post Templates.
  • Additional body classes added to detect current browser
  • Official support for wp-minify

Still in the works...

  • Custom Theme Settings template
  • Settings for adding Prototype, MooTools, dojo, and ExtCore (defaulting to jQuery of course)

What you need to know


.container > #header + #content + #footer

Happy coding!