Website Template

We want you to build the homepage for our site called Racing Information on any staging server. You MUST use Wordpress in building this. If you do not have your own staging server, please let us know so we can create a subdomain for you to work on. Please make sure that the staging site is NOINDEX & NOFOLLOW. Below is the PSD files that you need. Please take note that we are not looking for a homepage that looks “similar” to the design we have provided. We want the design to look exactly as it is in the mock up design. Based on the output, the management will decide if we can take you on for the full time position. If you need any access to premium/pro WP builders, server (as mentioned previously) or anything else, please let us know immediately so we can provide them to you. Once you are done, please send us the link to the staging site together with the following information:

WP builder you used How many hours it took you to finish the homepage


  1. Must use Wordpress.
  2. Must be noindex, nofollow.
  3. Must look exactly like the mock up design. If any reason why you can’t, please let us know.