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Install and configure Docker.

Role Variables


A dict of options that are written into docker's daemon.json config file. See the docs for dockerd for a full list of available options.

Default values: (set them in your docker_config to overwrite)

storage-driver: devicemapper
log-level: info


Specify the version of Docker to install, e.g. 1.12.6, 17.05.

Default value: 17.03


Default value: md5 checksum of default docker_version setup script (see defaults/main.yml for exact default value)

If you intend to install a version of Docker other than the default, you must provide an appropriate override value for this variable.


  1. Generate an md5 checksum for the desired version's install script
  2. If you know what you are doing and are not worried about security, set this variable to "no" or "false" to disable checksum verification of the setup script.


URL pointing to a Docker setup script that will install the specified docker_version.

Default value:{{ docker_version }}.sh

The default URL utilizes Rancher Labs' version-specific, OS-agnostic setup scripts, which in turn just install the appropriate version of docker-ce or docker-engine from the official Docker apt and yum repositories.


Per default, this role will only download and run the installation script when Docker is not installed (or more precise: when dockerd is not in $PATH). Set upgrade_docker to True to override this behavior and force the install script to be run.

So in order to upgrade Docker on managed systems, take the following steps:

  1. Either download a newer version of this role (with a more recent default version) or update docker_version and setup_script_md5_sum in your host/group vars.
  2. Run your playbook with -e upgrade_docker=True



Example Playbook

Install Docker

- hosts: servers
    - mongrelion.docker

Install and configure docker

- hosts: servers
    - role: mongrelion.docker
        live-restore: true
        userland-proxy: false


For development, we use Vagrant. Bring the VM up with

$ vagrant up

This will automatically run the playbooks against the virtual machine once it's up. After making changes to any playbook, you can test the provisioning with

$ vagrant provision



Author Information

You can find me on Twitter: @mongrelion