A simple coding test in project form
This test is intended to test your basic facility with a Node JS Backend. As such, we're not going to explain much. We'll just say this:
Stylistically this is about as bad as we could do on short notice. You are free to fix any things that really annoy you, but those aren't core tasks.
Consider fixing bad name choices. Feel free to rename methods and even URL paths to things that make sense to you. There is no right or wrong, but we'd like to get a sense of your style. The structure is lame too. If you want to move things to different files or folders, go nuts.
There are two core tasks:
1). the code that services "/listAllUsers" is awful and needs to be refactored
2). "/listallclasses" is broken and needs to be fixed.
Beyond this, you're free to add any functionality you think would be interesting for us to see and to get a sense of how you approach coding and problem solving.
When you're done, create a pull request and we'll take a look!