
Dragonfly gem extension that lets you add paperclip compatibility

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

About dragonfly-rails

It’s a rail engine that loads dragonfly gem adding scope and id_partion storing style. It let paperclip users to migrate to this solution when require more image size flexibility without loosing this file storing structure.

Dragonfly store files using the current time, but for paperclip you can make Dragonfly to save files at /:dragonfly_scope/:id_partition

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  dragonfly_for :avatar_file, :scope => 'avatars'

User avatar files will be stored as /avatars/000/000/001/filename_original.jpg

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
  dragonfly_for :file # scope defaults to 'images'

Image files will be stored as /images/000/000/001/filename_original.jpg

Basic configuration

Rails Gemfile dependencies

# Plugin based on the edge dragonfly code
gem 'dragonfly', :git => "https://github.com/markevans/dragonfly.git"
gem 'dragonfly-rails', :require => 'dragonfly_rails', :git => 'https://github.com/ritxi/dragonfly-rails.git'

App configuration (config/application.rb)

config.dragonfly_rails.security_key = 'mysecretkey'
config.dragonfly_rails.protect_from_dos_attacks = true
config.dragonfly_rails.route_path = 'media' # /media

# Default is Rails.root.join('public','assets'), this will only be used on local development environment.
# On production environment is expected to use amazon and heroku.
config.dragonfly_rails.assets_path = 'local/path/where/assets/should/be/stored'

Model setup

Default Images scope is good for you?

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
  dragonfly_for :file # scope defaults to 'images'

# Add the following migration to your images migration file or add a new migration adding the file_uid field
create_table "images", :force => true do |t|
  t.column "file_uid", :string

Prefere custom scope?

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  dragonfly_for :avatar_file, :scope => 'avatars'

# Add the following migration to your images migration file or add a new migration adding the avatar_file_uid field
create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
  t.column "avatar_file_uid", :string

Using both Paperclip and Dragonfly

If you want to continue to use Paperclip, but have the ability to use Dragonfly you can pass the :with_paperclip option so Paperclip will be the master accessor and Dragonfly _uid field will be updated when Paperclip fields are updated.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  dragonfly_for :avatar_file, :scope => 'avatars', :with_paperclip => :pc_avatar
  has_attached_file :pc_avatar,
                    {:styles => {
                      :thumb => '50x50>',
                      :original => '1200x1200>'},
                    :default_style => :thumb,
                   :path => ":root_path/paperclips/:id_partition/:basename_:style.:extension",
                   :url => "/:environment/paperclips/:id_partition/:basename_:style.:extension"}

On your forms file_field :pc_avatar must be used:

<% form_for :user, :html => { :multipart => true } do |form| %>
  <%= form.file_field :pc_avatar %>
<% end %>

Paperclip migration

Create a rake task with / Run the following code

User.each do |u|
  u.create_dragonfly_uid(:avatar_file_uid, :paper_clip_accessor)