
Generate a Swagger JSON definition from your Serverless project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is an older project for Serverless 0.x

Nowadays you can use Amazon AWS API Gateway's built in Swagger export feature instead of a custom plugin:

aws apigateway get-export --export-type swagger --rest-api-id xxx --stage-name dev myswagger.json

Swagger Export Plugin for Serverless

Kenneth Falck kennu@iki.fi 2016

This is a plugin that exports a Swagger JSON API definition file based on your Serverless project structure.

Note: Serverless v0.4.0 or higher is required.


First install the plugin into your Serverless project:

    npm install --save serverless-plugin-swagger-export

Then edit your s-project.json, locate the plugins: [] section, and add the plugin as follows:

    plugins: [


To autogenerate a Swagger JSON API definition, use this command:

    sls swagger export [-b <basePath>]

where supplying basePath will set a default basePath tag in Swagger. This is useful if you are using different stages in Serverless, as you can set the stage name as the basePath in your CI/CD tool. NOTE: You can still set basePath inside s-project.json, and this will take precedence over the command line option - see below for customising exported API documentation.

Customizing exported API documentation

You can add a JSON element called "swaggerExport" in various Serverless project files to add documentation and other info to the exported Swagger JSON.

In s-project.json, you can override top level Swagger JSON elements like this:

    "name": "MyServerlessProject",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "swaggerExport": {
      "info": {
        "title": "Overridden title",
        "description": "Overridden description"
      "host": "example.com"

Any elements you specify under swaggerExport will replace the defaults.

In s-function.json, you can add Swagger documentation to each endpoint like this:

    "path": "myapi",
    "method": "GET",
    "type": "AWS",
    "authorizationType": "none",
    "apiKeyRequired": true,
    "swaggerExport": {
      "tags": ["My Swagger Tag"],
      "summary": "Swagger summary",
      "description": "Swagger description",
      "parameters": [],
      "responses": {}

Excluding endpoints from Swagger

if you wish an endpoint to be excluded (for instance, OPTIONS endpoints, or functions with no endpoints at all), simply set the only swagger tag as 'exclude':

    "path": "myapi",
    "method": "OPTIONS",
    "type": "AWS",
    "authorizationType": "none",
    "apiKeyRequired": true,
    "swaggerExport": {
      "exclude": true,

Please see Swagger documentation for more details on all the fields.

Generating object definitions from Sequelize models

If your project uses Sequelize to define data models, they can be automatically exported in the Swagger JSON. To enable this, you need to have one Node.js module that exports all the models using the names that you want to use in Swagger. Then add this to s-project.json:

"swaggerExport": {
  "definitions": {
    "$sequelizeImport": "path/to/module"

Now you can add Swagger responses that use $refs like this:

"200": {
  "description": "Successful operation",
  "schema": {
    "$ref": "#/definitions/MyDataModel"

Assuming MyDataModel is found in your module, it will be added to the definitions element in the exported Swagger JSON.