Kenny Lai T1A2 - Portfolio

Hosted Portfolio Website

Table of contents


This website is to serve as a portfolio that showcases my technical skills, highlights my background and interests, and allows visitors to easily contact me.

Target Audience

The website is intended to be viewed by prospective employers and clients within the tech community.

Functionality and Features

The design of the website is intended to be minimalist and clean, providing a quick overview of the person, and as well all contact information. The is achiveved with the following features:

  • Index page: Contains a portrait, name and short description.
  • About page: Provides more details of the technical skills, relevant experience, education, and interests. A PDF of the resume can be downloaded here.
  • Blog page: Blog posts can be feautred with a large image and headline.
  • Contact page: Allows for prospecitve employers to view social media links to peruse projects and interests, in additional to contact information if they would like to reach out personally.
  • All pages are responsive and will adjust the contents to suit the screen it is viewed on.
  • There is a navigation bar for access to other pages.
  • Logo within the header and browser tab favicon for personal branding.

Tech Stack

  • Website: HTML & CSS
  • Stylesheet Preprocessor: SASS/SCSS
  • Wireframes and Sitemap: Figma
  • Image editing: Photopea
  • Deployment: Netlify


The structure of the website is shown in thef following sitemap.
Visitors will be able to navigatate to the About, Blogs, adn Contact page through the navigation bar in the header.
Blog posts can be accessed through the blog page. The logo in the top lef of the header is also used to return the visitor to the index page.



Index page

Wireframe of index page

About page

Wireframe of about page

Blog page

Wirframe of blog page

Blog Post page

Wireframe of blog post page

contact page

Wireframe of contact page


Index page

Screenshot of index page

About page

Screenshot of about page

Blog page

Screenshot of blog page

Blog Post page

Screenshot of blog post page Screenshot of blog post page Screenshot of blog post page Screenshot of blog post page Screenshot of blog post page

Contact page

Screenshot of contact page