
So you want to develop in Java? Here we will just get our development environment up, while covering some basics within the IDE and playing with GitHub

Primary LanguageJava

Things we will cover - day 1

  1. Install eclipse
  2. Install JDK, JRE and set windows paths
  3. Create a dummy hello world project
  4. Create a github account
  5. Create a github repo
  6. Configure git within eclipse and repo's
  7. Understand the differences between commit, push
  8. Test

Recall short cut keys

  1. ctrl-shift-# to commit quickly
  2. ctrl-f11 to run your sample project

#Recall git workflow discussed

  1. git clone repo.git
  2. git checkout branch name i.e. master or develop whatever devs are using
  3. git checkout -b feature i.e. feature can be JIRA name
  4. git add this will start tracking files you will change
  5. git commit -am "comment" i.e this will label your changes you have made to the file
  6. git push origin feature i.e. same name as step 3
  7. go look at your repo in github and you should see your repo reflecting changes in that branch
  8. make some more changes


https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/oxygen3a http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk10-downloads-4416644.html