
Finding Closest Pair of Points in Multi-Dimensional Space using Divide and Conquer Algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

Closeest Pair of Points in 3D space

Second mini-project for Algorithm Strategies (IF2211) course from School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology

Table of Contents

General Information

A program made in python which searches the closest pair of random points. This program applies and compares Brute-Force Algorithm and Divide & Conquer Algorithm. It will show the time difference and the amount of euclidean distance calculated. It will also show that both algorithm is still applicable for this problem despite different algorithm and complexity by returning the shortest distance and the pair's coordinates.


  • Python
  • Matplotlib

Libraries Used

  • math
  • platform
  • pyplot
  • random
  • time

Local Setup

  1. Clone this repository (first-time use only)
    git clone https://github.com/kennypanjaitan/Tucil2_13521023.git

  2. Run the program


  • User can input amount of points inside the space and dimension of the space
  • Program will generate random points
  • Program will show the closest pair of points and the distance between them by using Brute-Force Algorithm and Divide & Conquer Algorithm

Project Structure

├── bin ------------------------------------------ Folder containing executable binary files
├── docs ----------------------------------------- Folder containing documents for this project
├── src ------------------------------------------ Folder containing source code files
│   ├── algorithms.py
│   ├── functions.py
│   ├── main.py
│   ├── plot.py
├── README.md
├── run.bat -------------------------------------- Executable batch file (main program)


Created by Kenny Benaya Nathan (13521023)