
This repository implements the published algorithm on Transaction on Information Forensics and Security Journal about Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification

Primary LanguagePython

Unsupervised and self-adaptative techniques for cross-domain person re-identification

The following libraries must be downloaded:

  • Torchreid 1.3.2 - this library can be found in this link
  • Scikit-learn 0.24.2
  • Numpy 1.17.4
  • Pytorch 1.4.0
  • Torchvision 0.5.0

Hardware requirements:

  • GPU: GTX 1080 Ti
  • Driver Version: 465.19.01
  • CUDA Version: 11.3

OBS: Different hardware or library versions might result in different results published on the paper

Environment setup

  1. Download the Torchreid library from here
  2. Go to "deep-person-reid" directory: cd deep-person-reid/
  3. Execute the following command to meet libraries requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Execute python setup.py install to install the library

The other libraries can be installed by pip or directly from the respective website

Training one model on adaptation scenario

We provide here one example on how to run our pipeline using OSNet backbone on Market to Duke adaptation scenario: python main.py --gpu_ids=5,7 --lr=1e-4 --xi_value=0.05 --source=Market --target=Duke --source_model_name=osnet_x1_0 --path_to_save_models=model_checkpoints --path_to_save_metrics=metric_checkpoints --version=example --print_validation_performance=True > log_training_MarketToDuke_osnet.txt

The model will use gpu 5 to perform clustering and gpu 7 to train update backbone paramenters. The expected log is shown on the provided file log_training_MarketToDuke_osnet.txt


One of our main contributions is the algorithm to summarize the different knowledges from different backbones obtained along the training. To do so we must save the backnbone checkpoints after an iteration of our pipeline. The checkpoints obtained after the above training are provided on model_checkpoints. Moreover our algorithm also requires the percentage of reliable data on each iteration which were stored on metric_checkpoints/reliability_progress_MarketToDuke_osnet_x1_0_example. Now we can run the proposed self-Ensembling algorithm:

python selfEnsembling.py --gpu_ids=7 --source=Market --target=Duke --dir_name=model_checkpoints --model_name=osnet_x1_0 --reliability_path=metric_checkpoints/reliability_progress_MarketToDuke_osnet_x1_0_example --version=MarketToDuke_osnet_x1_0_example.h5 --rerank=False > log_selfEnsembling_MarketToDuke_osnet.txt

To run our code for other datasets as source or target, you must only change --source and --target flags. To change the backbone, you must also change the name on --source_model_name flag. The current available backbones are ResNet50 (resnet50), OSNet (osnet_x1_0) and DenseNet121 (densenet121). The pretrained models provided on pretrained_models holds knowledge over or Market or Duke, since MSMT17 is used only as target dataset.

Ensembling of different backbones

After training the three backbones on the same source -> target scenario, we perform the ensembling of the results by averaging the three distances (one for each backbone) between an query image and an gallery image. After calculating all averaged distance between each pair of query/gallery the metrics are reported. To run the code you must execute:

python EnsembleEvaluation.py --gpu_ids=7 --source=Market --target=Duke --rerank=False

It will result on the final metrics reported on the original paper.