
18.337 - Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

18.337J/6.338J: Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning (Spring 2023)

Professor Alan Edelman (and Philip the Corgi)

MW 3:00 to 4:30 @ Room 2-190

TA and Office hours: (To be confirmed)

Piazza Link

Canvas will only be used for homework and project (+proposal) submission + lecture videos

Classes are recorded and will be uploaded on canvas. Another great resource is Chris Rackauckas' videos of 2021 spring class. See SciMLBook.


There will be a small number of homeworks, followed by the final project. Everyone needs to present their work and submit a project report.

1-page Final Project proposal due : March 24

Final Project presentations : April 26 to May 15

Final Project reports due: May 15

Lecture Schedule (tentative) (Warning: links currently out of phase starting with lecture 3)

# Day Date Topic SciML lecture Materials
1 M 2/6 Intro to Julia. My Two Favorite Notebooks. [Julia is fast], [AutoDiff], [autodiff video],[The Parallel Dream]
2 W 2/8 Matrix Calculus I See [IAP 2023 Class on Matrix Calculus]
3 M 2/13 Matrix Calculus II [video]
4 W 2/15 Automatic differentiation I : Forward mode AD 8 [video 1] [video2]
5 T 2/21 Automatic differentiation II : Reverse mode AD 10 [video]
6 W 2/22 Models of Parallelism 6 [video]
7 M 2/27 Multithreading, Static and Dynamic Scheduling Slides
8 W 3/1 GPU Parallelism I 7 [video 1],[video2]
9 M 3/6 GPU Paralellism II [video], [Eig&SVD derivatives notebooks], [2022 IAP Class Matrix Calculus]
10 W 3/8 MPI Slides, [video, Lauren Milichen],[Performance Metrics] see p317,15.6
11 M 3/13 Differential Equations I 9
12 W 3/15 Differential Equations II 10
13 M 3/20 Neural ODE 11
14 W 3/22 13
Spring Break
15 M 4/3 GPU Slides Prefix Materials
16 W 4/5 Convolutions and PDEs 14
17 M 4/10 Chris R on ode adjoints, PRAM Model 11 [video]
18 W 4/12 Linear and Nonlinear System Adjoints 11 [video]
M 4/17 Patriots' Day
19 W 4/19 Lagrange Multipliers, Spectral Partitioning Partitioning Slides
20 M 4/24 15 [video],notes on adjoint
21 W 4/26 Project Presentation I
22 M 5/1 Project Presentation II Materials
23 W 5/3 Project Presentation III 16 [video]
24 M 5/8 Project Presentation IV
25 W 5/10 Project Presentation V
26 M 5/15 Project Presentation VI

Lecture Summaries and Handouts

Lecture 1: Introduction and Syllabus

Lecture and Notes


Final Project

For the second half of the class students will work on the final project. A one-page final project proposal must be sumbitted by March 24 Friday, through canvas.

Last three weeks (tentative) will be student presentations.

Possible Project Topics

One possibility is to review an interesting algorithm not covered in the course and develop a high performance implementation. Some examples include:

  • High performance PDE solvers for specific PDEs like Navier-Stokes
  • Common high performance algorithms (Ex: Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov for PDEs)
  • Recreation of a parameter sensitivity study in a field like biology, pharmacology, or climate science
  • Augmented Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Neural Jump Stochastic Differential Equations
  • Parallelized stencil calculations
  • Distributed linear algebra kernels
  • Parallel implementations of statistical libraries, such as survival statistics or linear models for big data. Here's one example parallel library) and a second example.
  • Parallelization of data analysis methods
  • Type-generic implementations of sparse linear algebra methods
  • A fast regex library
  • Math library primitives (exp, log, etc.)

Another possibility is to work on state-of-the-art performance engineering. This would be implementing a new auto-parallelization or performance enhancement. For these types of projects, implementing an application for benchmarking is not required, and one can instead benchmark the effects on already existing code to find cases where it is beneficial (or leads to performance regressions). Possible examples are:

Additionally, Scientific Machine Learning is a wide open field with lots of low hanging fruit. Instead of a review, a suitable research project can be used for chosen for the final project. Possibilities include:

  • Acceleration methods for adjoints of differential equations
  • Improved methods for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
  • New applications of neural differential equations
  • Parallelized implicit ODE solvers for large ODE systems
  • GPU-parallelized ODE/SDE solvers for small systems